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Tips on Identity

Identity is a mix of how we see ourselves, our dreams for the future, and the groups we belong to. Young children notice these things and are building a sense of who they are. This new Tip collection from our partners at Vroom explores how kids of all backgrounds can build positive self-awareness.

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Reducing Added Sugars

The sweetness of sugar may tempt our tastebuds, but the health consequences of eating too much sugar are concerning, especially for children whose dietary habits and taste preferences are still developing. The Institute ofChild Nutrition’s April Mealtime Memo uncovers the secrets of added sugars and equip you with the knowledge to identify them in the products you consume.

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Get Kids Eating Veggies Early and Often

Babies aren’t born liking veggies, but little ones can learn to love vegetables through early and often exposure to carrots, green beans, broccoli, peas, squash, artichokes, and more! Our partners at Partnership for a Healthier America share why vegetables are so important to children’s diets and give simple tips for teaching kids to eat and love vegetables.

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