Posts Tagged ‘Outreach’
CACFP Outreach
If you are a child care operator currently participating in the CACFP, congratulations! Your commitment to serving nutritious meals and snacks is crucial in fostering healthy behaviors in young children. This Mealtime Memo from our partners at the Institute of Child Nutrition highlights the benefits of the CACFP for operators, children, and families.
Read MoreState Agency Perspectives on Administering the CACFP
A study was published in October 2023 by the UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health to explore federal and state policies and practices that support or discourage CACFP participation among child care centers. The report approaches: program outreach and administration, barriers that make CACFP participation challenging, and recommendations to expand access to CACFP for eligible providers.
Read MoreSponsoring Organizations Well-Positioned to Apply for WIC Outreach Subgrants
Apply for WIC outreach funding! Sponsoring organizations are well placed to do great WIC outreach, as they have large networks of providers with whom they can disseminate WIC information. Providers will then have the information they need to share with the families they serve who may be eligible to participate in WIC.
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