Posts Tagged ‘on-demand’
Get Kids Moving! Best Practices & Ideas for Physical Activities ($)
Learn why physical activity and nutrition are important topics for children and how to integrate these into every day learning opportunities. We’ll share best practices for, and look at the importance of, developing an action plan to incorporate physical activities into your program.
Read MoreFiber, Grains, Nutrition and Immunity ($)
Diets that contain all the food groups in their right balance together and include the right mix and types of whole and refined grain foods provide key nutrients known to bolster immunity. Hear about the many ‘players’ of the immune system, learn why aging and underlying conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and gut dysbiosis increase vulnerability to the COVID-19 virus, and discover how grain components can be important for building a strong immune system.
Read MoreEmergency Funding, Child Nutrition Reauthorization and Grassroots Advocacy ($)
Learn about the status of the CACFP Emergency Funding, why the ongoing Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill can make an impact on your programs, and how you can take action to make a difference to both.
Read MorePaperless: Preparing for an Audit When Your Files are Digital ($)
Paper records use valuable space, paper, ink, and time to sort through. Learn how simple it can be to take your program into the digital age. Get a step-by-step plan to follow if you would like to become more tech savvy and efficient with your resources and be prepared for you next audit using digital files. Successful implementation requires a scanner and possible file storage hosting services.
Read MoreCrediting Store-Bought Combination Baby Foods in the CACFP (Acreditación de alimentos combinados para bebés comprados en la tienda en el CACFP)
This webinar will show CACFP operators how to identify store-bought combination baby foods that may be served at reimbursable meals and snacks to infants. Attendees will have a chance to submit questions to the presenters and check their knowledge through interactive polling questions.
Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del CACFP cómo identificar los alimentos combinados para bebés comprados en la tienda que se pueden servir en comidas y meriendas/refrigerios reembolsables para bebés.
Read MoreTraining Program Operators to Use Grains Ounce Equivalents
This webinar will help state agencies, CACFP sponsoring organizations, and independent centers provide training on using ounce equivalents instead of “servings” to determine amounts of grains. CACFP operators are required to use ounce equivalents for grains by Oct. 1, 2021 (“Delayed Implementation of Grains Ounce Equivalents in the Child and Adult Care Food Program Final Rule”). Webinar participants will learn about existing training tools and strategies available on grains ounce equivalents. Additionally, Oregon’s Department of Education will share how they used virtual training techniques to provide training for CACFP operators.
Read MoreUsing the Nutrition Facts Label in the CACFP (El uso de la etiqueta de información nutricional en el CACFP)
This webinar shows Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) operators how to use the Nutrition Facts label to identify items that may be served at reimbursable meals and snacks.
. Este seminario web muestra cómo usar la etiqueta de información nutricional para identificar alimentos que se pueden servir en comidas o meriendas reembolsables.
Read MoreCrediting Single Serving Packages of Grains in the CACFP (Cómo acreditar paquetes individuales de granos en el CACFP)
This webinar shows CACFP operators how to credit single-serving packages of grains toward a reimbursable meal or snack.
Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos (CACFP) cómo acreditar paquetes individuales de granos que cuenten hacia una comida o merienda/refrigerio reembolsable.
Read MoreHealthy Eating for Families
Looking for ideas to help promote health and nutrition to the families you serve? We’ll share tips for promoting healthy eating through meal planning.
Read MoreChat with Champions: Learn from Afterschool Meals Experts
Hear ideas, insights and inspiration from No Kid Hungry’s first-ever cohort of Afterschool Meals Champions. Let’s expand meal service through CACFP’s At-Risk Afterschool program!
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