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Culturally Receptive Meals ($)

News flash! One of our little ones may be a new arrival from Afghanistan or a returnee in their second year with us whose parent(s) hail from Guatemala. Move over Sloppy Joe and Frittata, we want Lavash and Rellenitos too. What better way could there be to learn about other cultures than with food?

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Impacts of Sodium: Shaping Healthy Food Preferences ($)

Sodium is an essential mineral that plays important roles in our bodies. However, we may be consuming too much, resulting in increasing health risks like high blood pressure. Learn about the impacts of sodium and how to shape healthy habit choices early by knowing how to identify amounts of sodium on Nutrition Fact Labels and how to modify meals to reduce salt usage while still retaining all the flavor from our favorite recipes.

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2022 CACFP Virtual Summit

Looking for food program training? Join us each day from your home, your office, or your home office between 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Eastern.
We’re bringing you workshops on nutrition, program administration, operations, financial and nonprofit management, and more!

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CACFP Portable Picnics ($)

Sunny days with a refreshing breeze are a perfect time to take dining outdoors. Learn from our about how to create and safely serve CACFP meals picnic style, with or without a classic checkered blanket. Get new ideas on how to use portable foods for picnicking that meet the CACFP meal pattern.

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Water, Water, Everywhere ($)

Learn about how to keep children and adults hydrated by including water-rich food components in the CACFP. Get thirst-satisfying recipes to help ensure everyone stays safely hydrated during these warm months.

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Brunch for Lunch ($)

Looking for new ideas for your CACFP lunch menu? Why not try brunch for lunch?! Hear about endless possibilities when combining breakfast food favorites and lunch classics. Learn how to navigate brunch related food components in the CACFP and get recipe ideas to use in your child care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers.

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