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Selecting and Storing Fresh Produce

Incorporating fresh produce into the food you serve can be a great practice, but it’s important that you know how to properly store different types of produce. Our partners at the International Food Information Council (IFIC) have tips on how to select and store fresh produce so they stay good longer and don’t go to waste.

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What Foods are Creditable in the Infant Meal Pattern?

Whether you are new or seasoned in operating the Child and Adult Care Food Program, knowing what foods are creditable to serve within the CACFP meal pattern is crucial! If you are serving both infants and children, the meal patterns are not the same.

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August Snack Attack

Try out these #CACFPCreditable snack combos when you plan your next grocery trip!

Cottage cheese and carrot sticks
Egg and cherry tomatoes
Milk and cereal
Beets and grapes
Hummus and celery sticks

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