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October Snack Attack

Try out these #CACFPCreditable snack combinations when you’re planning your next grocery trip.

Cornbread and fruit salad
Mozzarella and zucchini
Oatmeal and plums
Celery and nectarines
Shredded chicken and cranberries

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September Snack Attack

Check out these #CACFPCreditable snack combinations when you plan your next grocery trip:

Strawberries and granola
Whole grain-rich pita and papaya
Kiwi and Jicama
Bagel and blueberries
Tuna and crackers

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More Native Foods Added to the Food Buying Guide

The Child and Adult Care Food Program has new creditable foods listed on the USDA Food Buying Guide! If you are new to the FBG, this interactive tool allows for easy display, search, and navigation of food yield information. In addition, users can compare yield information, create a favorite foods list, and access tools, such as the Recipe Analysis Workbook (RAW) and the Product Formulation Statement Workbook.

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