Posts Tagged ‘meal pattern’
Nutrition Basics: Fiber
You may know that fiber is important, but do you understand why or how much you need? This Mealtime Memo from our partners at the Institute of Child Nutrition covers fiber sources, health benefits, and strategies to increase fiber intake.
Read MoreFebruary Virtual Events
Check out these virtual events coming up this month at NCA!
Read MoreJanuary Virtual Events
Check out these virtual events coming up this month at NCA!
Read MoreMeal Pattern Minute: Seconds at At-Risk Afterschool Sites
Can second servings be reimbursed for at-risk afterschool programs?
Read MoreRegistered Dietitian Medical Statements
The USDA released a memorandum to clarify the updated regulatory requirement for program operators to accept medical statements from registered dietitians. The change requiring program operators to accept medical statements from registered dietitians must be implemented by July 1, 2025, for school meal programs and Oct. 1, 2025, for CACFP.
Read MoreCACFP Emergency Shelter Characteristics Study
The “Characteristics of Emergency Shelters Participating in the CACFP” study by USDA seeks to better understand the characteristics of CACFP emergency shelters, who they serve, how CACFP fits into their operations, and their challenges with CACFP. The study was conducted in 2023 and collected data from 242 emergency shelters that participate in CACFP in Fiscal Year 2023.
Read MoreFeeding Infants in the CACFP: Updated Guidance
USDA updated previous guidance on Feeding Infants in the CACFP. Updates include information on medical statements, substituting vegetables for grains in specific groups, added sugar limits, and tofu and tempeh crediting.
Read MoreGrain Requirements in the CACFP Q&A
The USDA released a memorandum to provide updated guidance on the provisions of the 2024 final rule that apply to the grains requirements in the CACFP, which included adding a definition for whole grain-rich into CACFP regulations; changing product-based limits for breakfast cereals and yogurts from total sugars to added sugars; and updating guidance on substituting vegetables to meet the grains requirements for eligible program operators.
Read MoreSell Them Your Dream: Getting Buy-In From Your Team
Are you struggling to articulate your vision to your team? Explore ideas, experiences, and incentives that could work to help promote buy-in from your staff.
Read MoreAdult Day Care Centers in the CACFP Study
The USDA recently released a study on the “Characteristics of Adult Day Care Centers that Participate in the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program” which seeks to better understand key characteristics of adult day care centers participating in CACFP.
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