Posts Tagged ‘learning center’
Water, Water, Everywhere ($)
Learn about how to keep children and adults hydrated by including water-rich food components in the CACFP. Get thirst-satisfying recipes to help ensure everyone stays safely hydrated during these warm months.
Read MoreServing Adult Participants in the CACFP (Sirviendo a los participantes adultos en el CACFP)
This webinar shows CACFP operators how to plan and prepare reimbursable meals and snacks for adult participants.
Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del CACFP cómo planificar y preparar comidas y meriendas reembolsables para los participantes adultos.
Read MoreEat. Create. Cultivate. Fun with Food Through Positive Mealtime Experiences ($)
Come learn ideas and tools providers can use to implement positive mealtimes. Topics include Smarter Mealtimes, examining picky eater’s behaviors while identifying tips for creating adventurous eaters and engaging child participation in the kitchen. Leave with strategies, recipes and activities that engage children of any age!
Read MoreDigestible Bites: Modifying Food for Special Diets ($)
Learn the differences between various types of mechanical diets and how to prepare these foods to meet CACFP guidelines.
Read MoreRun Your Race: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself ($)
Ready to reignite your passion? Become motivated around the fact that you matter, and what you do is important. Learn who you are at your best, and what helps you to operate at optimal potency. Leave understanding what your best ability is, and why it is important to stay encouraged even in the tough times.
Read MoreCACFP Administrative Budgets
Learn tips and best practices on the preparation of an acceptable administrative budget. Topics will include the importance of strategic planning, using historical financial information to develop the budget, determining what expenses are allowable/ unallowable, identifying staffing requirements, how excess administrative funds affect the budget and updating the budget throughout the year.
Read MoreCrediting Basics and Beyond: An In-Depth Look at the Crediting Handbook for the CACFP
Join the USDA for this interactive session on the new Crediting Handbook for CACFP. We will review the ins and outs of each of the five required meal components, discuss both creditable and non-creditable food items, and engage the audience in hands-on crediting exercises. You won’t want to miss it!
Read MoreGrain Ounce Equivalents Tools for CACFP Operators (Recursos sobre las onzas equivalentes de granos para operadores del CACFP)
This webinar highlighted resources, training materials, and frequently asked questions related to using ounce equivalents for grains.
Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del CACFP. Este seminario muestra diferentes herramientas para implementar las onzas equivalentes de granos que los operadores del Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos (CACFP) pueden usar para planificar comidas en sus sitios.
Read MoreHoliday Menu Planning ($)
Holiday Menu Planning in the CACFP? Yes! Healthy and festive. Looking for ideas to replace traditional holiday sweets and treats with healthy and nutritious foods? Want to learn more about what #CACFPCreditable Holiday meals look like among different cultures?
Read MoreGiving Thanks: Turkey Talk & More ($)
Want to know what a #CACFPCreditable meal looks like for Thanksgiving? Let’s talk turkey and more! Not serving turkey? We’ll cover meat alternates you can menu plan, favorite sides and whole grain-rich ideas.
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