Posts Tagged ‘free webinar’
Special Diets Boot Camp Virtual Event
Join us for this 2-day event as we tackle the most common topics surrounding special diets in the CACFP.
Read MoreSummer Series: CACFP Portable Picnics
Sunny days with a refreshing breeze are a perfect time to take dining outdoors.
Read MoreSummer Series Webinar: Water, Water, Everywhere
It’s summer time, this means children and adults are outside enjoying the sunshine but watch out for that heat!
Read MoreSummer Series Webinar: Brunch for Lunch
Looking for new ideas for your lunch menu? Why not try brunch for lunch?!
Read MoreServing Adult Participants in the CACFP (Sirviendo a los participantes adultos en el CACFP)
This webinar shows CACFP operators how to plan and prepare reimbursable meals and snacks for adult participants.
Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del CACFP cómo planificar y preparar comidas y meriendas reembolsables para los participantes adultos.
Read MoreCACFP Administrative Budgets
Learn tips and best practices on the preparation of an acceptable administrative budget. Topics will include the importance of strategic planning, using historical financial information to develop the budget, determining what expenses are allowable/ unallowable, identifying staffing requirements, how excess administrative funds affect the budget and updating the budget throughout the year.
Read MoreCrediting Basics and Beyond: An In-Depth Look at the Crediting Handbook for the CACFP
Join the USDA for this interactive session on the new Crediting Handbook for CACFP. We will review the ins and outs of each of the five required meal components, discuss both creditable and non-creditable food items, and engage the audience in hands-on crediting exercises. You won’t want to miss it!
Read MoreGrain Ounce Equivalents Tools for CACFP Operators (Recursos sobre las onzas equivalentes de granos para operadores del CACFP)
This webinar highlighted resources, training materials, and frequently asked questions related to using ounce equivalents for grains.
Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del CACFP. Este seminario muestra diferentes herramientas para implementar las onzas equivalentes de granos que los operadores del Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos (CACFP) pueden usar para planificar comidas en sus sitios.
Read MoreServing Snacks in the CACFP (Servir meriendas o refrigerios en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos)
This webinar will show CACFP operators how to plan and prepare snacks for children and adults in their care.
Este seminario web les muestra a los operadores del CACFP cómo planear y preparar meriendas/refrigerios reembolsables para los niños y adultos en su cuidado.
Read MoreMore on Meal Patterns
We’re here to clarify your meal pattern questions! At this free training, we will answer commonly asked questions, show how to access training from USDA Team Nutrition, and explore online resources.
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