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Support a Proclamation for CACFP Week in Your State

National CACFP Week will be here before you know it! This year March 16-22 marks this national education campaign designed to raise awareness of the CACFP and its contribution to combating hunger. Ask Your Governor to Proclaim March 16-22, 2025 as National CACFP Week!

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Quarterly Policy Update: January 2025

The end of 2024 brought many changes and updates for the CACFP. USDA announced funding for child care to purchase local, released two requests for information, released seven pieces of guidance, published two studies.

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Sofia the Feelings Helper

This video from our partners at Sesame Street in Communities is for all children, whether or not they’re seeing a therapist or counselor! Children can learn along with Elmo and Karli to understand the job of “feelings helpers”—professionals who help children (and grown-ups too) when big feelings get too big, too often.

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Processed Foods: Making Nutritious Choices

There is a common belief that processed foods, with their high fat, sugar, and salt content, are inherently unhealthy. Did you know some items we consider “nutritious,” like bagged spinach or prepacked apple slices, are also processed foods? Our partners at the Institute of Child Nutrition delve into the different levels of processed foods and offers guidance on making healthy choices.

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Adapted Movement

Disabilities can affect a person’s mobility, one or more of their senses, or their neurological development. However, this shouldn’t keep people with disabilities from being involved in games and activities. Our partners at Alliance for a Healthier Generation have tips on how to adapt movements to ensure young people with and without disabilities can play together and experience the benefits of being active.

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Stretch, Breathe, Move!

Our bodies can teach us a lot about our feelings, and our bodies can also help us understand and manage our feelings. Our partners at Sesame Street in Communities have resources to help you encourage children to notice the “clues” their bodies give them about what they may be feeling (for instance, a stomachache may be a sign that they’re feeling worried). Then, show them how to use their bodies to help them manage their feelings.

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Registered Dietitian Medical Statements

The USDA released a memorandum to clarify the updated regulatory requirement for program operators to accept medical statements from registered dietitians. The change requiring program operators to accept medical statements from registered dietitians must be implemented by July 1, 2025, for school meal programs and Oct. 1, 2025, for CACFP.

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USDA Request for Information: CNP Tribal Pilot Project

On December 23, 2024, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service released a request for information (RFI) to inform their development of the Child Nutrition Programs Tribal Pilot Projects, as authorized in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024. The Act provided $2 million for Tribal Pilot Projects that will permit Indian Tribes and/or Tribal organizations to administer Child Nutrition Programs, assuming the roles and responsibilities typically held by State agencies.

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