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Hmong Reflections on the CACFP 

This article by the Hmong American Farmers Association presents highlights of Hmong in-home early care providers’ feedback on the benefits of enrollment, recommendations on how CACFP could work best for them and suggestions for improvement to the program.

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CACFP Underutilized and Unequally Accessed

A study was published in September of 2023 to assess the extent and reasons for the operation of the CACFP’s among licensed child care centers in order to identify opportunities for expanding CACFP nutrition support. The study found that the CACFP is underutilized and that there is unequal access in certain states and regions.

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Senate Partner Bill: Child Care Nutrition Enhancement Act

The Child Care Nutrition Enhancement Act was introduced in the Senate by Senator Casey to permanently:
• Increase reimbursement rates by 10 cent for each meal and snack
• Eliminate the tiering of family day care homes
• Allow family day care home providers to claim their own children’s meals for reimbursement
• Shift the calculation of family child care homes’ reimbursement from “food at home” to “food away from home” to align with centers

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Fundamentals of Measuring: Weight and Volume 

Which weighs more: a pound of lettuce or a pound of carrots? It’s a trick question! They weigh the same. However, if you think about how much space each would take up, a pound of lettuce would fill many more cups than a pound of carrots. Measuring can be confusing, so ICN’s November Mealtime Memo explains the difference between weight and volume and describe tools to measure both most accurately.

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Emotional Well-Being

Through a slew of new Sesame Street in Communities (SSIC) bilingual , research-based resources and engaging content, trusted adults can help children develop a foundation of essential skills they need to understand and manage their feelings. With a focus on the mind-body connection, SSIC’s latest resources support emotional awareness and understanding, and demonstrate techniques to promote healthy minds and bodies.

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Off-Site Monitoring Waiver: Oregon Case Study

USDA has the authority to waive on-site monitoring requirements for the CACFP. State Agencies can submit a 12(l) waiver application to USDA in order to allow for off-site monitoring flexibilities in their state. Oregon was the first state to submit an application and the first state to be approved! Read about their approved waiver.

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The CACFP Strengthens the Child Care Infrastructure

The CACFP serves millions of children and adults in care and supports thousands of child and adult care providers nationwide. The support from the CACFP helps struggling providers to keep costs low and increase the competitiveness of their small businesses.

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Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act of 2023 

On October 26, 2023 the Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act was re-introduced in the House of Representatives by Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) and Congressman Marc Molinaro (R-NY). This legislation would allow providers who are open for more than 8 hours to be reimbursed for an additional meal.

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Preventing Peanut Allergies 

Did you know that peanuts are one of the nine major food allergens listed by the US Food and Drug Administration. The good news is most babies are not at risk of developing a peanut allergy. Those that are at high-risk of developing an allergy can reduce the risk by up to 86 percent by being introduced to peanut containing-foods early.

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