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Fitness for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Did you know that May is Physical Fitness and Sports Month? As toddlers and preschoolers build new skills and have a greater ability to move around more, it’s important that caregivers encourage physical activity and make sure they get the amount necessary for their fitness. Our partners at Nemours share information on how much activity toddlers and preschoolers require and they provide tips on some fun games you can tryout in your child care.

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Addressing Child Hunger When School is Out 

While summer is a time for relaxation and vacation for some, it is a time of great uncertainty for many children who experience food insecurity. Afterschool and on the weekend, children are also unsure of where their meals will come from. That’s where Child Nutrition Programs step in.

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Culinary Basics: Mise En Place

If you are not a chef or lack a culinary background, the term “mise en place” may seem like French to you. However, it is a necessary skill to utilize in all kitchens (big and small) when preparing meals. The Institute of Child Nutrition’s May Mealtime Memo will define the term and identify the steps to maximize efficiency and reduce errors in the kitchen.

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Navigating Special Diets ($)

Allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities. What is the difference between the three? Learn how to navigate proper documentation, communication, and compliance to foster a safe environment for children with special dietary needs and requests.

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Growing Healthy Foundations: Farm to ECE Made Easy ($)

Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) is not limited to traditional farming practices but includes everyday tasks that contribute to children’s learning and development. Explore how simple actions, like buying local produce and promoting healthy eating, align with learning standards for children aged 0-5. Discover how you may already be integrating Farm to ECE into your daily routine.

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Compliance with Confidence: Sponsor Monitoring & Oversight ($)

Efficient program monitoring and oversight are essential in the CACFP and for ensuring the success of your organization. Discover best practices and opportunities of how to conduct reviews that not only meet program requirements, but also support and lift up the child care provider. Expand your understanding of effective oversight and ensure program compliance with confidence. 1. Identify CACFP monitoring requirements. 2. Explore why oversight matters and how it impacts your program. 3. Provide constructive technical assistance at review.

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Beyond Beginners: Next Level Menu Planning ($)

Navigating the complexities of developing a CACFP menu can often be overwhelming and confusing. What crucial information should you include on the menu to be in compliance? Do you include ounce equivalency, serving size, or both? Moreover, are there specific documents you should maintain while planning your menu? Learn how to create menus stress-free while meeting CACFP requirements.

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Artificial Intelligence for Child Nutrition ($)

Have you heard about Artificial Intelligence, but are unsure where to begin or how it could be beneficial to your program? Discover the basics of large language models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, and how you can use them in your current role within child nutrition settings

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