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Creating Variety and Flavor with Seasonal Produce

Have you ever eaten a fresh apple or a peach right off a tree? If so, you know seasonal produce is fresh and tastes delicious, making children more likely to eat it. In addition to great taste, buying seasonal products also helps sustain the local economy.

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Playful Activities for Picky Eaters 

As a way to help parents and caregivers provide fruits, vegetables, and healthy drinks every day, the CDC Foundation has produced a series of playful activities for use during meal and snack time.

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Healthy Iron Intake

Our bodies only need a small amount of iron, but without it, a child can appear pale in color; suffer from frequent headaches; or feel cranky, tired, and weak. Our partners at ICN review good sources of iron and how the CACFP Meal Pattern supports a healthy intake of iron.

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NCA Support as Covid-19 Flexibilities Come to an End

NCA understands that the end of flexibilities will cause challenges for many CACFP sponsors and providers and we commend your continued commitment to providing nutritious meals and snacks to the children or adults in your care. In preparation for the end of the additional reimbursement, we have collected the following resources to help you successfully provide meals even if your available budget decreases.

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Best Practices for Streamlining Applications for Year-Round Program Operations

This memorandum provides best practices for establishing a single application process for experienced program operators providing year-round meal services to at-risk children in low-income areas. This memorandum applies to State administering agencies and local organizations operating both the Summer Food Service and Child and Adult Care Food Programs.

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Free Meal Finder

Ensuring that children have access to nutritious meals is the top priority for the CACFP community. However, some children may still be missing out on meals, whether it’s on the weekend, during child care closures, or simply for their third full meal of the day. That’s why our partners at No Kid Hungry have developed a Free Meal Finder Map.

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Child Nutrition Program Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In May 2023, the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) published a report focused on Child Nutrition Program (CNP) operations during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, March through September 2020, including information on the nationwide waivers that FNS approved for use during that period.

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