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Registered Dietitian Medical Statements

The USDA released a memorandum to clarify the updated regulatory requirement for program operators to accept medical statements from registered dietitians. The change requiring program operators to accept medical statements from registered dietitians must be implemented by July 1, 2025, for school meal programs and Oct. 1, 2025, for CACFP.

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USDA Request for Information: CNP Tribal Pilot Project

On December 23, 2024, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service released a request for information (RFI) to inform their development of the Child Nutrition Programs Tribal Pilot Projects, as authorized in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024. The Act provided $2 million for Tribal Pilot Projects that will permit Indian Tribes and/or Tribal organizations to administer Child Nutrition Programs, assuming the roles and responsibilities typically held by State agencies.

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Grain Requirements in the CACFP Q&A

The USDA released a memorandum to provide updated guidance on the provisions of the 2024 final rule that apply to the grains requirements in the CACFP, which included adding a definition for whole grain-rich into CACFP regulations; changing product-based limits for breakfast cereals and yogurts from total sugars to added sugars; and updating guidance on substituting vegetables to meet the grains requirements for eligible program operators.

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Time to Reflect: Share Your Story

The new year is just around the corner, which means this is the perfect time to reflect. What you do matters. Take a moment and really think about how your work impacts those that you serve, whether it’s the children or adults in your care, providers that you support, or sponsoring organizations you work with. Share your story with NCA!

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Opportunity for States to Access Funding to Purchase Local Food for CACFP

USDA released a Notice of Funding Opportunity on December 10, 2024, for State agencies to access funds to purchase and distribute local foods for schools and CACFP child care providers in their state. USDA has committed $188.6 million specifically for institutions participating in the CACFP. State agencies must submit a proposal in order to access these funds for the schools and CACFP providers in their state and there can only be one application per state. Funds will be awarded through a non-competitive process based on a formula using the meal counts of participants of the CACFP in each State. Cooperative agreements will be for a period of three years from the time of award.

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Compliance with Confidence: Monitoring and Oversight

Efficient program monitoring and oversight are essential in the CACFP and for ensuring the success of your organization. Discover best practices and opportunities of how to conduct reviews that not only meet program requirements, but also support and lift up the child care provider. Expand your understanding of effective oversight and ensure program compliance with confidence.

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Physical Activity in Child Care Settings

In the face of chilly temperatures, engaging in outdoor activities may seem less inviting. Yet, the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle is vital. Our partners ICN highlight the importance of physical activity and provides a variety of opportunities for staying active, both indoors and outdoors, within the child care setting.

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Wellness Wheel of Self-Care

You can only show up for others, when you take care of yourself. That’s why self-care is so important for CACFP operators who are ensuring that children and adults in care receive nutritious meals. Our partners at Alliance for a Healthier Generation created the Wellness Wheel to provide ideas and action steps for self-care that address five key areas of overall well-being.

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