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Health Benefits of Whole Grains

Whole grains are packed with essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that are important for overall health and wellness. February is National Heart Health Month, so our partners at the Home Baking Association shared a few of the many health benefits of consuming whole grains and how to include it in your meal planning.

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Procuring Local Foods for Child Nutrition Programs

From beef and bison in Montana to apples in Michigan and radishes in Rhode Island, local foods are on the menu for children across the country. Local procurement not only supports increasing economic opportunities for local farmers, but also helps child care institutions incorporate wholesome local foods into program meals and encourage children to make healthy food choices.

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Increasing Participation in Afterschool Meals

Afterschool Meals has seen a significant decrease in the number of newly engaged and/or enrolled sites. Although this can be equated to a lack of sufficient funding or opportunity for enrollment, it also includes knowing how to successfully engage with the communities in which we serve. Learn how to develop an effective engagement strategy and win the support of your community.

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99% A Human, 1% Amazing

Do you want to impact the world but are unsure if you can make a difference? Why blend in when you were made to stand out? Everyone’s DNA is almost the same. But the small percentage that differentiates us is what allows us to make the impact that we do individually. While you are 99% A Human, it is out of your 1% Amazing that you will make a difference.

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Serving School Meals to Preschoolers

Sometimes, schools must serve meals to a variety of grades at the same time. This is usually due to operational constraints, such as time and space. While this is allowed, there are good reasons to avoid co-mingled meal service. Learn the differences between preschool and K-5 meal patterns and get ideas on how to avoid co-mingled meal service.

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Feeding Infants

Join us for an interactive discussion on breastfeeding, formula feeding, developmental readiness, solid foods, and more. Learn about Team Nutrition’s Feeding Infants and Breastfed Babies Welcome Here guide!

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Non-Congregate Summer Meal Service

As part of our collaborative efforts to enhance USDA’s summer nutrition programs, approved program operators in low-income, rural areas can now use alternate service models that are tailored to the needs of the children and communities they serve. Learn how to feed kids far from the bus stop.

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