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Offer Versus Serve in the CACFP (Ofrecer Versus Servir en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos)

This webinar focuses on how to use Offer Versus Serve meal service, available and optional for sites that serve at-risk afterschool and adult participants in the CACFP only.

Este seminario web se centra en cómo usar el servicio de comidas Ofrecer Versus Servir, el cual está disponible y es opcional para sitios que sirven después de la escuela en lugares en riesgo o a adultos participantes en el CACFP solamente.

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Food Buying Guide Goes Digital

Learn about the new Food Buying Guide (FBG) Mobile App and FBG Interactive Web Tool via a live demonstration! You’ll learn how to utilize the innovative features of these tools including search and navigation, the ability to compare food yield information, and the ability to create a favorite foods list. In addition, speakers from the Nutrition and Technical Assistance Branch, we also highlight an exciting feature of the Interactive Web Tool: the interactive Product Formulation Statement Workbook, which allows manufacturers to easily search and populate selected food items into the workbook, calculate their product’s contribution statement, and generate a certified document that provides crediting information for child nutrition program operators.

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Betty Anne White

SHEBOYGAN, Wisconsin – Tenacity, dedication and determination are only a few of the many skills that Betty Anne White relied on when opening her home child care 16 years ago.

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Serving Meat & Meat Alternates at Breakfast (Servir carne y sustitutos de carne en el desayuno)

This webinar focuses on the option to serve meat and meat alternates in place of grains at breakfast up to three times per week for those following CACFP and preschool meal patterns.

Este seminario web se enfoca en la opción de servir carne y sustitutos de carnes en lugar de granos en el desayuno hasta tres veces por semana para quienes siguen el patrón de comidas para el CACFP y preescolares.

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Margaret Oberg

RENO, Nevada – Early on, Margaret Oberg knew her calling in life was to take care of children.

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Janet Liebl

GARY, Minnesota – Janet Liebl started her child care career as an assistant in a local school.

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Menu Planning for the CACFP (Planificacion de comidas para el CACFP)

This webinar focuses on different meal planning techniques that can be used to serve healthy and appealing meals and snacks that meet CACFP and Preschool meal pattern requirements.

Este seminario web se enfoca en diferentes técnicas de planificación de comidas que se pueden utilizar para servir comidas y meriendas saludables y atractivas que cumplen con los requisitos del patrón de comidas para el CACFP y pre-escolares.

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Serving Milk in the CACFP (Servir leche en el CACFP)

This webinar walks the audience through Team Nutrition’s “Serving Milk in the CACFP” training worksheet and lets audience select milk for various age groups to meet meal pattern requirements.

Este seminario lleva a la audiencia a través de la hoja de capacitación “Servir leche en el CACFP” de Team Nutrition y permite que la audiencia seleccione leche para varios grupos de edad para cumplir con los requisitos del patrón de comidas.

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Shirley Phillips

CUSHING, Oklahoma – In this era, it is difficult to find anyone who works in the same position for a long period of time.

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Choose Yogurts That Are Lower in Added Sugars (Elija yogures con bajo contenido de azúcares añadidas)

This webinar walks the audience through Team Nutrition’s “Choose Yogurts That Are Lower in Added Sugars” training worksheet and lets audience look at various yogurts to see if they meet meal pattern requirements.

Este seminario lleva a la audiencia a través de la hoja de capacitación de Team Nutrition “Elija yogures con bajo contenido de azúcares añadidas” y hace que la audiencia evalúe varios yogures para ver si cumplen con los requisitos del patrón de comidas.

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