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Making Cents! How to Get Financial Reimbursement for the Meals You Serve ($)

Reimbursement rates for CACFP participants are dependent upon a variety of factors, such as whether you operate a family home child care, center, or afterschool program. Learn how to determine what the amount of reimbursement would be based on your enrollment, meal service, and rates of reimbursement. Discover how to qualify and how to receive financial reimbursement once you join the CACFP.

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Power of the Food Program with CACFP

You agree to serve healthy meals and snacks. The USDA CACFP offers you financial reimbursement. Learn about the history of the food program and how to get the most from your day of exciting training with us. We’re defining the CACFP and celebrating you!

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Nutrition Education for Kindergarten

Colorful Discover MyPlate logo with vegetavle characters standing on top of letters.

Kindergarten is a critical time for development and learning for children. Our partners at MyPlate have free print materials to help kindergarteners learn how to make healthy food choices and develop physical activity lifestyles.

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Study of Nutrition and Activity in CACFP

Image grid of 4 photos. One with a young woman handing orange slices to a little girl. One of a mother feeding her toddler a banana, One of a smiling child holding a platter of fruits, and one of a table set for a child's meal.

In October 2021 the USDA released a report on the Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings (SNACS), which is the first nationally representative, comprehensive assessment of the CACFP.

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Barriers to CACFP Participation

Front page of study, named Providing Meals in Early Childhood Settings with image of a young boy eating a snack and smiling

Back to Blog Back to Blog Barriers to CACFP Participation December 2, 2022 Providing Meals in Early Childhood Settings report Hunger Free Vermont conducted a statewide survey of early childhood programs in late 2021, seeking to understand what barriers early childhood providers face when it comes to providing food to program participants. The Providing Meals…

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Serving Children that are Vegetarian in the CACFP

Young Asian girl eating a cherry tomato with a bowl of lettuce in front of her and other vegetables on the table

So, some of your participants are vegetarian. Not a problem, there are vegetarian dishes that all children can enjoy! Plus, many meat alternates are a cost-effective protein source. Our partners at the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) have some great resources for serving vegetarian menus that fit into the CACFP meal pattern.

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