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New Year, New Recipes ($)

A new year means fresh recipe ideas for your center or family care home! But where to start? We’ve got you covered! Join us for this fun session where you will learn new #CACFPCreditable recipes that could bring excitement to any menu.

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Healthy and Fresh at Home Cookbook

Front cover of Healthy and Fresh at Home Cookbook by Partnership for a Healthier America

Start the New Year with healthy and nutritious meals for you and your family! Check out the Healthy and Fresh at Home Cookbook from our partners at Partnership for a Healthier America. The cookbook includes a variety of delicious and nutritious recipes that are perfect for anyone looking to live a healthier lifestyle.

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Safe Feeding Practices to Prevent Choking 

A small blond girl coughing with her mouth open while her father pats her on the back to dislodge any food that may have gone down her throat.

Choking while eating can happen quickly and be very scary. Children 0-4years old are at the greatest risk of choking because they may not chew food properly. Want to make eating safer for young children in your care? Our partners at the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) have some great resources on how to decrease choking risks.  

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