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Creating Variety and Flavor with Seasonal Produce

Have you ever eaten a fresh apple or a peach right off a tree? If so, you know seasonal produce is fresh and tastes delicious, making children more likely to eat it. In addition to great taste, buying seasonal products also helps sustain the local economy.

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July Snack Attack

Try out these #CACFPCreditable snack combinations when you’re planning your next grocery trip!

Roasted sweet potato cubes and mixed fruit
Cheese and tomato slices, stacked
Oven potatoes and cheese cubes
Chicken salad and broccoli
Pita bread and sliced tomatoes

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Playful Activities for Picky Eaters 

As a way to help parents and caregivers provide fruits, vegetables, and healthy drinks every day, the CDC Foundation has produced a series of playful activities for use during meal and snack time.

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Food Plating with a Purpose ($)

Having challenges with children eating certain foods? The way we present nutritious foods to children is a powerful tool that encourages them to eat healthier meals and snacks. Why not make it a little fun? By introducing fun shapes and designs to a single plate or family style dish, children may be persuaded to try these new or challenging foods. Learn how you can easily construct enticing plates and receive recipe ideas to inspire new creations!

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