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Snack Attack: Elevate Your Snack Game ($)

Day in and day out, the same snacks are being served. You’ve been longing to elevate your snack game, but you’re lacking ideas. Next up on the menu: snacks, snacks, and more snacks! Hit reset on your menus with some fresh snack tips and recipe ideas. Get creative and add something exciting to the plate for you and the children in your care.

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Little Chefs, Big Appetites ($)

We know that children are more likely to try a new food when they are involved in creating a meal or snack. But how do you set up a safe environment at your family child care home that allows children to do this? Learn different strategies on how your kitchen helpers can assist you in making food with age-appropriate tasks, whether it is in the kitchen or eating area. Receive easy recipes to hone their fine motor skills while handling food.

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NCA 2023 Advocacy Update

Our team here at the National CACFP Sponsors Association is continuously looking for ways to support and advocate for you! This year, we’ve really ramped up our policy and advocacy work in an effort to expand and improve the CACFP.

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Staff and Workplace Wellness

In a month known for monsters and candy, the best trick is treating your employees to better health and wellness. Employee wellness opportunities can help staff feel better, live healthier, and be more present for the children in your program. Healthy adults model healthy living for children

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October Snack Attack

Try out these #CACFPCreditable snack combinations when you’re planning your next grocery trip.

Cornbread and fruit salad
Mozzarella and zucchini
Oatmeal and plums
Celery and nectarines
Shredded chicken and cranberries

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Exploring Fall Foods: Recipes & More! ($)

The cool, crisp breeze means it’s time for the fall harvest! Learn about five fabulous fruits and vegetables that are ready to be purchased from your local farmer or grocery store. Get recipe ideas on how to incorporate these fall favorites into your menu and learn how to provide nutrition education related to them through engaging activities.

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Emergency Preparedness in Head Start ($)

The pandemic taught us to always be one step ahead and prepared for the unknown. Discover ways to integrate emergency preparedness and planning into your facility operation plans while including all departments. Practice writing your own emergency plans to support your program and outline your next steps.

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