Membership Opportunities
Over 4.5 million children & adults served meals and snacks daily

The National CACFP Sponsors Association offers two main types of memberships: An NCA Membership and a CACFP Sponsor Membership. Additionally, Organizations can purchase up to five NCA Memberships for $375. We also offer a Summer Food Service Directory Membership for $150.
The current membership year is October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025. All memberships expire on September 30, 2024.
Learn more about membership by watching the short video to the right.
- Member Info Hub & Networking Forums
- Child Nutrition Today Digital Magazine
- Holiday Activity Pages & Resources
- National CACFP Week Member Materials
- Training Materials & Guides
- Nutrition Education Flyers
- Personal CACFP Nutrition Calendar
- CACFP Nutrition Calendar Training Program Access
- Parent Provider Monthly Newsletter Templates
- Motivation Moment Poster Series
- Monthly Activity Pages
- Five-Hour Training Module
- Discount to National Child Nutrition Conference
- Ability to post to our Job Opportunities page
- Policy & Regulation Updates & Call to Action
- Advocacy in Washington, D.C.
Includes up to five (5) NCA Memberships
Includes one (1) NCA Membership plus these benefits:
- Discount on Bulk Printed Materials for the Organization
- Child Nutrition Today Magazine
- Meal Pattern Reference Card
- CACFP Nutrition Calendar & Training Program
- One Listing on Find a Food Program Sponsor Directory
- Program Referrals for the Organization
- Board of Directors Leadership Opportunities for NCA Members
- Voting Rights for the Organization
- Access to Sponsors-Only Networking Forum
Includes one (1) NCA Membership plus these benefits:
- One Listing on Find a Food Program Sponsor Directory
- Program Referrals for the Organization
- Access to SFSP Sponsors-Only Networking Forum
Ready to become a member? Apply now!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are NCA Members?
Membership is open to everyone including professionals working as family home child care providers, child care center and afterschool program staff or those at Tribal Nations, State Agencies, anti-hunger organizations, Head Start, emergency shelters, schools, food banks, associations, universities, Research and Referral agencies, commercial and sponsoring organizations.

What is the best membership for me?
The $75 NCA Membership is a great choice for anyone who wants access to NCA Membership benefits.
For CACFP Sponsoring Organizations who would like to have one listing in the Find A Food Program Sponsor directory at, receive a discount on bulk printed materials, have access to program referrals, Board of Directors leadership opportunities, voting rights, and access to the Sponsor-Only member forum, we recommend the $150 Sponsoring Organization membership which includes one NCA Membership. If you have additional staff who would like access to NCA membership benefits, you can add them at $75 each.
An Organization Membership may be purchased which gives up to five people each an NCA Membership.
We also offer a SFSP Sponsoring Organization membership for businesses who would like to have one listing in the Find A Food Program Sponsor directory at This also includes one NCA Membership.
What is a CACFP Sponsoring Organization?
Organizations that assume the CACFP administrative and financial responsibility for child or adult care programs under an agreement with their state agency are considered CACFP Sponsoring Organizations. These may be organizations who work with a number of providers including family home child care, child care centers, Head Start, or at-risk afterschool sites. They may also be an independent child care center which serves as both sponsor and provider—acting as their own sponsor.
What is a SFSP Sponsoring Organization?
Organizations that assume the SFSP administrative and financial responsibility for the summer food service program under an agreement with their state agency are considered SFSP Sponsoring Organizations. These may be organizations who operate the Summer Food Service Program directly (self-sponsor) or those who work with a number of providers which operate the SFSP across summer food service sites.
What if I have a Sponsoring Organization that serves multiple states?
We recommend one Sponsoring Organization membership for each state you serve. This will make it possible for the Sponsoring Organization to have a listing on the Find A Food Program Sponsor directory for each state and assign a primary member for each state who will hold the NCA Membership. Sponsoring Organization benefits such as leadership opportunities and voting rights extend to each state membership.
Can I share my login with my team?
Each person will need their own member login to register for member webinars, access educational materials or qualify for conference discounts.
Can my membership be renewed automatically?
If I have a CACFP Sponsoring Organization membership and we also sponsor the SFSP, do I need two memberships?
No. CACFP Sponsoring Organization members who also sponsor the SFSP will automatically be listed in the Find a Food Program Sponsor category for SFSP, if indicated on your membership application.
How do I get access to Member Forums?
All NCA Members have access to member forums. Additionally, members who work for Sponsoring Organizations will have access to Sponsor only groups (previously Sponsorlink).
Can I change my membership status at any time?
Yes, if you are an active NCA Member who works for a Sponsoring Organization, you may upgrade your membership for additional sponsoring organization benefits.
When does the membership begin and end?
Our membership year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th each year. Membership benefits begin the day the application is approved, and all memberships expire on September 30th each year. Membership rates are not prorated.
Can my membership be transferred?
Memberships are non-transferable except in the case where the primary member of a Sponsoring Organization retires or leaves employment.