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April 14-18, 2025

Dallas, Texas

CACFP · Afterschool Meals · Summer Food

Workshops & Speed Sessions

Workshops and speed sessions do not require pre-registration, and you are welcome to attend any one you desire.

Browse our workshops by looking at the conference's education tracks.

If you'll be joining us in Dallas, your registration fee includes all workshop sessions, doubling your investment with on-demand viewing.

Workshops are one hour long, while Speed Sessions are 30 minutes long and will have no Q&A following the presentation. Both are part of the education tracks, and Speed Sessions will be designated below.

We'll mark which sessions will be hybrid onsite/virtual sessions. These sessions can still be attended onsite, but will also be recorded and available for on-demand viewing through May 15, 2025. So, if you're having trouble deciding between a hybrid session and another workshop during that time slot, you can choose both!

If you're unable to be onsite, your registration fee will cover live Zoom access to all hybrid sessions plus on-demand viewing through May 15.



Nutrition Education



Be a Kid's Hero: Food and Nutrient Acceptance in the Early Years

Complementary foods, those other than breast milk or infant formula, are typically introduced around six months of age and ensure adequate nutrition as the baby grows. When not introduced to them, infants may reject foods introduced later and consume an inadequate variety to meet nutritional needs. Learn tips for increasing food acceptance and nutrient density in infancy through adolescence. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Intermediate

  1. Understand the nutrient needs of focus for infants at six months of age.
  2. Review how to prepare and introduce solid food for developmentally ready infants.
  3. Get research and strategies for increasing acceptance of solid foods.

Presented by: Hawley Evilsizer, Let's Love Food Again


The Benefit of Small Group Support on Breastfeeding Success

The Buddy Program is designed to pair up breastfeeding WIC participants who share similar due dates or whose babies were born around the same date to provide support and encouragement to one another. Discover available resources, the benefits of the program, and ways of incorporating it into your organization. ~ CEU Specialty 3,

  1. Get strategies to implement the WIC Buddy Program.
  2. Receive WIC Breastfeeding Support campaign resources.
  3. Hear highlights of ways you can connect with WIC.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Speed Session: Beyond the Airplane Spoon: Tips for Picky Eaters

Picky eating is not just for toddlers. Learn the common causes of picky eating and gain practical tips for presenting and serving food to increase acceptance and make a huge impact. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Discover how food preparation, pairings, and presentation contribute to acceptance.
  2. Get ideas for plate and tray line presentations and tips on how to speak about food.
  3. Hear techniques for various lifespan stages to alleviate selective eating.

Presented by: Hawley Evilsizer, Let's Love Food Again


Cooking Up Fun: Engaging Kids in Cooking Activities

Engaging kids in cooking activities is a fun, helpful way to encourage them to try new foods and teach them valuable skills. Learn about age-appropriate cooking activities and ways to incorporate cooking with kids into your program. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Discover the benefits of engaging kids in cooking practices.
  2. Learn tips for leading cooking activities for kids.
  3. Get fun ideas for simple and delicious recipes and food activities.

Presented by: Jessica Soldavini, LDN, MPH, PhD, RD, Carolina Hunger Initiative and No Kid Hungry NC at UNC Chapel Hill


Cultural & Local Foods: Creating Diverse Menus

Food, the one thing most humans can relate to regardless of where they are from, looks very different around the world. It can be used to learn about other cultures and agriculture. Discover cultural dishes and ingredients from around the world, how to incorporate local produce into your menus, and ways of engaging parents and the community to promote diverse healthy eating in early childhood. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Define cultural foods and understand how to plan diverse menus.
  2. Hear how to source and serve local produce to meet cultural preferences.
  3. Gain methods to educate parents and the community in supporting diverse meals.

Presented by: Alyssa Willis, MPH, CHES, South Carolina Department of Social Services


Food and Nutrition Inclusivity in the Child Nutrition Programs

Nutrition inclusivity includes diversity not only in food types but also in preparation and serving methods, and eating practices. Learn how to break down the systemic barriers that have hindered underserved communities from obtaining the healthy, safe, and affordable foods they deserve. See how the USDA has worked to transform policies, programs, and practices to increase equity in access. ~ CEU Specialty 7

  1. Identify operational and administrative flexibilities to support cultural food preferences.
  2. Learn about updated nutrition requirements including modifications for disability reasons.
  3. Discover USDA resources to assist in serving culturally- appropriate meals.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Food Sovereignty: An Indigenous Perspective

Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. Learn how food sovereignty and food security intertwine, how Native Nations are strengthening sovereignty through food, and how we are reclaiming our food ways through various initiatives. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Discuss the history of food obstacles for Native communities.
  2. Understand food access and food sovereignty initiatives in Indian Country
  3. Learn about traditional Native foods.

Presented by: Amy Warne, LD, MBA, RD, Partnership for a Healthier America


Gluten Found: Why Cross-Contact Can't Be Ignored

If your facility serves few clients with celiac disease (CeD) or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), does it matter if you use the same cutting board for gluten-free (GF) and regular food? Managing gluten exposure can feel burdensome, but has significant health impacts. Explore the effects of continuous low-level gluten exposure, how to improve kitchen practices, and cross-contact preventative strategies. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Intermediate

  1. Investigate diagnostic criteria for CeD and NCGS and potential complications.
  2. Discover differences between cross-contact and cross-contamination.
  3. Learn how to optimize kitchen workflow management to support making gluten-free meals.

Presented by: Erix Zimmerman, MS, RDN, Heart Spirit Nutrition


Speed Session: GPS: Engaging Grandparents, Parents & Students in Farm to Table

Curiosity about where food comes from and how to access the healthiest choices available is common, regardless of age. Learn how to engage everyone in the process including seed to farm, farm to table, and cup to table. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Examine the nutritional value of vegetables and fruits.
  2. Discover healthy growing tips for agriculture.
  3. See how you can engage students and family members to choose healthy eating habits.

Presented by: Kay Bell, Texas National Women in Agriculture Association


Helping Selective Eaters Succeed

Have you ever wondered why some children refuse to eat the foods on your menu, no matter their variation or relevancy? Children who are selective eaters often have different reasons why. From learning to tolerate the presence of food at the table to tasting new food entirely, explore how to support selective eaters who struggle with the territory of unfamiliar foods. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Review types of selective eaters.
  2. Understand the feeding hierarchy's role in introducing new or rejected foods.
  3. See how the division of responsibility can help those supporting selective eaters.

Presented by: Ashley Flowers, LDN, MS, RDN, Child Care Associates


Milk Matters! Be a Breastfeeding Champion

Breastfeeding parents need all the encouragement they can get, and you are an important part of their support system. Even under ideal circumstances, returning to work and maintaining a milk supply can be challenging. Learn how to use evidence-based best practices, techniques, and policies to support families and help them reach their infant feeding goals. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Understand how human milk contributes to optimal health outcomes.
  2. Learn ways to support parents in overcoming breastfeeding barriers.
  3. Get tips for productive communication and clear expectations regarding feeding.

Presented by: Ann Marie Neeley, IBCLC, Indiana Department of Health


Nourishing Minds: Teaching Nutrition Education Across Subjects

Child care sites can help youth develop positive relationships with food and create lifelong healthy habits through nutrition education in the classroom, cafeteria, and beyond. Explore how to incorporate nutrition education across core curricula and develop a skills-based nutrition education lesson plan that can be easily incorporated into a variety of subjects. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Learn to frame food as a foundation for positive experiences.
  2. Discover opportunities for integrating nutrition education into existing lessons.
  3. See how to create an original core lesson plan with nutrition education in mind.

Presented by:

Josephine Thomason, LDN, MS, RDN, FNLP, Alliance for a Healthier Generation 

Madeline Moritsch, MS, RDN, Alliance for a Healthier Generation


Nurturing Healthy Eating Habits through Responsive Feeding Practices

Responsive feeding is an attentive way of feeding young children that includes watching for their hunger and satiety cues. Explore adult and child roles in the division of responsibility in feeding and its impact on children’s physical and mental development. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Define the characteristics of responsive feeding.
  2. Identify the benefits of responsive feeding.
  3. Get strategies and resources to help engage in responsive feeding with children.

Presented by: Shonika A. Kwarteng, LDN, MBA, RDN, National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety


Raising Healthy, Happy Eaters from their First Bites

Are you prepared for the process of helping parents develop healthy eating patterns for children? Raising healthy eaters requires a deep understanding of feeding development milestones and necessary benchmark skills. From infants to toddlers, hear the latest recommendations on early feeding and safely introducing babies to family meals to assist in preventing picky eaters. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Learn how to foster feeding skills at different developmental stages.
  2. Understand how to prevent picky eating behaviors by detecting feeding problems.
  3. Get resources to assist educators and parents in developing children's eating habits.

Presented by: Nimali Fernando, MD, MPH, The Dr. Yum Project


A Recipe for Inclusion: Culturally Responsive Cooking Strategies

Increase cultural competency by learning to plan meals and snacks to celebrate food diversity. Discover how to adopt culturally responsive feeding practices through menu development and classroom celebrations. Gain tips for creating an allergen-friendly environment and develop strategies to partner with families and the community to maintain inclusivity in all aspects of your nutrition program. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Understand the benefits of culturally responsive feeding practices.
  2. Identify ways to implement a supportive meal environment.
  3. Learn strategies for planning inclusive classroom celebrations.

Presented by:

Caitlin Boland, RD, LDN, Novick Childcare Solutions

Julie Poole, M.Ed., Novick Childcare Solutions



Rethinking Picky Eating

Could “picky eating” be reframed in a more positive, productive way? Examine the concept of “cautious eating” and explore how this reframe can help children and their caregivers approach food differently. Hear evidence-based practices for developing positive relationships with food, how to support extreme selective eating, and what authoritative feeding means. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Discover how "picky eaters" are "cautious eaters" and their placement on a spectrum.
  2. Hear how adult-modeled interactions influence children's relationships with food.
  3. Learn when families might need professional feeding interventions by qualified

Presented by: Emmy Clarke, LDN, MA, RD, UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


Snack-tacular Celebrations: Tasty Bites for Every Week!

Take a fun and flavorful journey that will spark your creativity in developing easy, nutritious snacks. Celebrate every day with a new snack idea. Come hungry for ideas and leave with a snack resource to help you serve a variety of foods to those in your care. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Discover how to celebrate daily moments through snack time, making each snack a purposeful and enjoyable experience.
  2. Understand the importance of incorporating a variety of food groups into snacks to ensure they are balanced and contribute to overall health.
  3. Learn how to develop easy and nutritious snacks that are both fun and flavorful, sparking creativity in snack preparation.

Presented by: Isabel Ramos-Lebron, LDN, MS, RDN, National CACFP Sponsors Association


Taste Testing Like A Pro: Sensory-Assisted Food Introductions

Does it seem like the children in your program enjoy learning about vegetables more than they like eating them? Maybe the way they are learning about new foods isn’t preparing them to eat them. Learn ways in which you can offer nutrition education proven to help children eat new vegetables and fruits and how you can make taste tests part of your program’s routine. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Discover how with repeated food exposure children learn to eat vegetables and fruits.
  2. Understand routines, presentations, and language to help make taste testing successful.
  3. Get resources for incorporating sensory activities.

Presented by: Emmy Clarke, LDN, MA, RD, UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


Thriving Kids: Nurturing Heath with Plant-Based Nutrition

Why are more and more countries recommending plant-based nutrition in their national guidelines? Plants provide exceptional nutrition without the added cholesterol, saturated fats, flavors, colors, hormones, or medications that can be found in animal products. Learn to dispel myths surrounding plant-based nutrition to get kids excited about eating meatless meals. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Understand the benefits of plant-based nutrition.
  2. Discover how to overcome common obstacles in food preparation.
  3. Explore tasty ways to get kids to love eating plant-based foods.

Presented by: Terri Chrisman, M.Nutr, Dip.ACLM, Fabulous Health


Turning Yuck to Yum: Making Mealtimes Matter

Introducing children to a variety of foods promotes positive eating habits, and supports growth, development, and positive nutrition. They are more likely to have a diverse, balanced diet later in life when introduced to assorted foods, tastes, and textures in weaning and early childhood. Explore factors affecting children when trying new foods and strategies educators can use to break barriers. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Understand how some social determinants affect a child's food exploration.
  2. Learn how to connect teaching and learning opportunities to mealtimes.
  3. Discover resources that help create fun learning opportunities in classrooms.

Presented by: Emily Jarboe, MEd, Early Learning Indiana


Speed Session: Words Matter: Empower and Motivate Health with Facts

Nutrition is a multi-billion dollar industry with no shortage of information available to the average person. Unfortunately, not all of that information is factual or helpful. Learn ways to effectively provide factual and empowering nutrition messages at your facilities that can make lasting positive change. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Intermediate

  1. Review the overabundance of nutrition information cluttering culture.
  2. Examine the way words can change how someone thinks about food and themselves.
  3. Hear how words matter and learn which ones to avoid or to focus on when promoting health.

Presented by: Hawley Evilsizer, MS, RDN, LD, Let's Love Food Again



CACFP Meal Patterns


Beginners' Guide to Crediting Recipes in the CACFP

Maybe you love to develop delicious recipes, or a parent has shared one of their family favorites, but you are not sure how to make it creditable in the CACFP. Learn key tips and methods on how to evaluate recipes to ensure they are #CACFPCreditable as we guide you through our recipe crediting worksheet. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Identify CACFP meal pattern components.
  2. Calculate ingredients needed to meet CACFP requirements and determine the number of servings per recipe.
  3. Find your limiting components in the recipe.

Presented by: Isabel Ramos-Lebron, LDN, MS, RDN, National CACFP Sponsors Association


Beyond Beginners: Next Level Menu Planning

Navigating the complexities of developing a CACFP menu can often be overwhelming and confusing. What crucial information should you include on the menu to be in compliance? Do you include ounce equivalency, serving size, or both? Moreover, are there specific documents you should maintain while planning your menu? Learn how to create menus stress-free while meeting CACFP requirements. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Intermediate

  1. Learn the differences between retail and food service products.
  2. Evaluate and determine which CACFP foods require documentation.
  3. Differentiate front-of-house and back-of-house CACFP menus.

Presented by: Isabel Ramos-Lebron, LDN, MS, RDN, National CACFP Sponsors Association


Speed Session: Diversifying Menus: Placing Proteins and Plants on the Plate

Explore the nutritional benefits of diversifying protein sources and discover how to create balanced, nutritious CACFP menus by combining the best of both worlds—meats and plants. Learn how to plan menus that are both healthful and appealing to diverse, globally-inclusive palates while also addressing concerns about dietary preferences and restrictions. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Intermediate

  1. Understand the benefits of combining proteins and plants to create nutrient-dense meals.
  2. Hear strategies for incorporating a variety of proteins in CACFP menus.
  3. Gain tools to educate and address common concerns of families and caregivers

Presented by: Kristen Hicks-Roof, LD, PhD, RDN, FAND, National Pork Board


Speed Session: Earn a Spot on the Crediting Leader Board

Test your knowledge about crediting meal components! After reviewing crediting basics and resources with USDA, engage in rapid quizzing to earn a spot on the crediting leaderboard showcasing your skills! ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Understand key requirements for the 5 meal components.
  2. Identify creditable and non-creditable foods in school meals.
  3. Discover Team Nutrition resources to help you plan creditable meals.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Identifying Whole Grain-Rich

Serving whole grain-rich (WGR) grains is an important element of the meal pattern. Learn how to identify which products meet the whole grain-rich regulations. Trainers can use this workshop to support CACFP participants. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Review what whole grain-rich means.
  2. Learn the six methods used to identify if a product is whole grain-rich.
  3. Understand the rule-of-three and whether a grain is creditable or not.

Presented by: Lisa Mack, National CACFP Sponsors Association


Navigating Special Diets

Allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities. What is the difference between the three? Learn how to navigate proper documentation, communication, and compliance to foster a safe environment for children with special dietary needs and requests. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Identify the differences between allergies, intolerances, and sensitives.
  2. Learn what documentation is required for CACFP in order to make a substitution.
  3. Get tips for communicating with families and medical providers.

Presented by: Jami Rokala, CCNP, CLC, CMP, LD, MS, RDN, Headwaters Nutrition Counseling, LLC


A Fresh Perspective for Embracing New Foods

CACFP providers have the ultimate opportunity and responsibility to introduce unique and healthy meal options to children in their care. Get a fresh perspective on introducing nutrition by exploring strategies for expanding adult mindsets about food preferences in children and creating experimental environments for children to become receptive to new foods. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Intermediate

  1. Examine your beliefs about children’s food preferences.
  2. Learn ways to help children experience, explore, and enjoy new foods.
  3. Understand how to build playful, yet compliant, menus.

Presented by:

Charity Blair, Ohio Department of Education and Workforce

Sharon Slappy, Ohio Department of Education and Workforce


CACFP in Adult Day Care 101

Are you a program operator providing nonresidential care to adults? Public or private nonprofit adult day care facilities providing structured, comprehensive services to nonresidential adults who are functionally impaired or aged 60 and older may participate in CACFP as independent or sponsored centers. See how you can receive reimbursement for serving healthy meals and snacks to adults. ~ CEU Specialty 2

  1. Learn about general program and adult day care center eligibility requirements.
  2. Identify USDA technical assistance resources for CACFP adult care operators and providers.
  3. Gain knowledge, skills, and expertise to administer the program as an adult care operator or provider.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Discover the Magic of Fresh Ingredients: 10 Recipes Kids Will Love

Eating fresh or homemade foods that are healthy creates a long-term impact on the lives of children who need the nutrition from these meals to grow, play, and learn. Explore how preparing and serving fresh, homemade foods can be made easy, how you can reinforce the message with community events, and ten recipes to get you started. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Learn the importance of eating fresh, local, and homemade foods.
  2. Understand the impacts on children and families when providing homemade meals.
  3. See healthy recipes and promotional events you can use in your program.

Presented by: LynAnn VanDyk, CCNP, The Dreamery at YWCA of Kalamazoo


Empowering Operators: USDA Team Nutrition Resources

Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support child nutrition programs through training and technical assistance for food service, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity. Learn about the resources available for child care settings, schools and summer meal sites. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Increase awareness of Team Nutrition resources.
  2. Discover Team Nutrition (TN) tools to help you plan creditable meals for the CACFP.
  3. Know how to access and describe at least 3 resources available for CACFP and SFSP professionals.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Get the Facts! CN Labels and Product Formulation Statements (PFS)

When should you request a CN Label or PFS? Is the crediting documentation for your product acceptable? Get clarity on common issues related to inaccurate or misleading product documentation, guidance on accepting documentation for meal pattern requirements, and review sample Product Formulation Statements and CN Labels. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Determine why crediting documentation is important and know when it is needed.
  2. Understand Child Nutrition (CN) labels and Product Formulation Statements (PFS).
  3. Learn how to recognize inaccurate or misleading product documentation.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Great Grains! Taking the Guess Work Out of What’s Creditable

Serving whole grain-rich grains once per day, when grains are served, in ounce equivalents is a requirement in the CACFP. Explore various types of whole grains like amaranth, sorghum, and millet to expand your menu planning options. Learn how to determine ounce equivalency, how to identify whole grains, how to modify meals using these great grains, and how to prepare these for CACFP creditable recipes. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Learn the difference between a whole grain and refined grain.
  2. Identify creditable grains and calculate oz equivalents.
  3. Obtain recipes featuring grains to add to CACFP menus.

Presented by: Isabel Ramos-Lebron, LDN, MS, RDN, National CACFP Sponsors Association


Managing Food Allergies in the CACFP

Advocating for a child with food allergies is a team effort. Child nutrition professionals collaborate with families, children, and staff in navigating food allergies when serving meals in the CACFP. Learn techniques and best practices for building a positive partnership with children, parents, and staff in regard to food allergies. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Discuss methods of effective communication.
  2. Identify strategies for effectively communicating food allergy needs.
  3. Learn how to empower children to develop food allergy confidence and self-advocacy.

Presented by: Heather Burkhead-Goins, MEd, Institute of Child Nutrition


Nourish & Flourish: Essential CACFP Adult Menu Planning Tips

Discover how the CACFP meal requirements meet the needs of a senior adult and what providers need to be mindful of when menu planning. You'll also get nutrition education resources to support your adult food program sites. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Review the importance of the Adult CACFP Meal Pattern.
  2. Understand the nutrition needs of adult populations.
  3. Get adult menu planning tips and resources.

Presented by: Esmeralda Medrano, LD, MS, RD, Texas Department of Agriculture


Ounce Equivalents Made Easy with the Exhibit A Grains Tool

Learn how the Exhibit A Grains Tool can make crediting grains easy. Receive hands-on training with crediting grains and leave with a menu of options for success. Download the Food Buying Guide (FBG) Mobile App before coming to this session. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Hear three functions of the Exhibit A Grains Tool.
  2. See Team Nutrition resources available to help determine grain product amounts for meal pattern requirements.
  3. Understand how to use the Exhibit A: Grains Requirements for the Child Nutrition Program chart.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


What About the Babies? Streamline Your Infant Feeding

There are so many changes an infant goes through in the first year of life. How do you ensure you're meeting their nutritional needs at each stage of developmental readiness? Learn tools that can help make your process standardized and flexible enough to meet each child’s needs throughout their early lives. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Intermediate

  1. Learn the feeding stages of babies and the actions needed as they change.
  2. Gain tools that help standardize, streamline, and record first-year meals.
  3. Understand how to work with parents to support their child’s needs.

Presented by: Celena Akens, Clare Swan Early Learning Center



Farm to CACFP


Beyond Gardening: CACFP-Based Variety in Farm to ECE

Get an overview of Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) together with a shared language for documenting evidence-based practices. Using CACFP as a framework for nutrition standards, learn to develop strategies that help leverage funding for increasing access to nutrient-dense foods and support the health and education of young children. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Beginner

  1. Examine the three core elements of Farm to ECE.
  2. Learn to integrate CACFP resources to fund Farm to ECE activities.
  3. Master assessment and documentation of high-quality learning environments.

Presented by: Meagan K. Shedd, PhD, Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems


Bringing Farm Fresh to Your CACFP

Wondering how to get started with Farm to CACFP? Get a checklist and conversation starters to begin your journey in procuring local foods and get on the road to serving locally-grown, healthy foods to young children. ~ CEU Specialty 5

  1. Learn how to procure local products.
  2. Discover how to locate and network with local producers.
  3. Understand where to find Farm to CACFP activities and resources.

Presented by: Melinda Nguyen, LD, MS, RDN, Texas Department of Agriculture


Cooking with Kids’ Kitchen: Seasonally Fresh Meals for CACFP

Explore a dynamic, healthy food collection featuring seasonal, fresh, and nutritious CACFP meals and snacks for young children. Learn how to efficiently bring these simple and wholesome recipes with freshness into your classroom kitchen or home while promoting healthy eating habits to deepen nutritional understanding. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Hear steps for making enjoyable dishes that children can prepare.
  2. Obtain efficient preparation methods for busy classrooms or kitchens.
  3. Discover ways to connect healthy foods with cultural, environmental, and learning experiences.

Presented by:

Teresa Fogolini, MA, North Bay Children's Center

Stephanie Robinson, RD, North Bay Children's Center


Speed Session: Cultivate Community: Serving Fresh & Local Foods with Efficiency

Unlock the power to transform your food service operations and champion local agriculture. Discover dynamic strategies to streamline procurement, craft vibrant farm-to-table menus, and forge impactful partnerships with local farmers. Empower yourself to serve fresh, community-driven foods while reclaiming precious time, by learning to elevate your operations and celebrate local agribusiness. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Intermediate

  1. Discover procurement optimization for local impact.
  2. Build strategic, seasonally-focused menu planning and rotation.
  3. Examine leveraging technology and automation for efficiency.

Presented by: Natasha Smith, MBA, American Farm to Institute (AFTI)


Cultivating the Core of Farm to ECE

Whether you’re new to Farm to Early Childhood Education (ECE) or have engaged in it for years, examine key takeaways developed over nearly a decade of experience with a nine-state Farm to ECE community of practice. Get a formula for building a successful program, a roadmap, and learn how it can help you create systematic change in spreading Farm to ECE knowledge. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Dig into opportunities to expand Farm to ECE and integrate CACFP.
  2. Explore how other organizations have gained traction in various localities.
  3. Learn ways of using the roadmap to problem-solve when advancing your movement.

Presented by: Jenna Rhoads, Policy Equity Group


Events to Engage Families in Nutrition with Farm to Early Care

Do you feel your messages to children aren't making their way home? See how you can host Farm to ECE family engagement events focused on getting families excited about eating healthy, learning where food comes from, and applying this knowledge at home. Also, learn how to budget for different nutrition events and how to incorporate culturally responsive education. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Explore Farm to ECE principles and how to apply them to events
  2. Learn how to budget for and fund planned activities.
  3. Acquire methods to tie in-center and at-home nutrition opportunities together.

Presented by:

Tracey Sauke, LD, RDN, Tri-County Head Start

Lyz Schmitz, CPA, Tri-County Head Start


Farm to Classroom: Teaching Children about Healthy Foods

Farm to CACFP can help foster children’s learning and create positive experiences with food that build curious and confident eaters. But are you struggling to find time to plan your own curricula? Learn about available Farm to CACFP so you can spend less time planning lessons and more time where it matters most. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. Learn about already available food and nutrition education resources.
  2. Be inspired by success stories from others who’ve successfully integrated the resources into their programming.
  3. Learn the basic steps to integrating new resources into your programming.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Find Your Farmer: Enrich Farm to ECE Through Producer Relationships

Farm to ECE enhances community access to healthy and local foods by changing food purchasing practices, elevating food and agricultural education, and strengthening local food economies. Explore the National Farm to School Network’s role in supporting ECE programs, steps for connecting with local producers for procurement, and innovative approaches to food purchasing. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Beginner

  1. Understand Farm to ECE and NFSN as a resource in the program.
  2. Learn of values-aligned procurement and budget considerations.
  3. See how to map your local food landscape.

Presented by: Hawthorn McCracken, National Farm to School Network


Fresh Foods, Flavors, and Kitchen Ingredients

Do you feel as if the food you serve is bland and lacks appeal? Is serving fresh fruits and vegetables hard to implement? Learn why indoor gardening is Farm to CACFP together with which essential ingredients you can use to keep sodium down, sugar low and still add tons of flavor while staying within the CACFP guidelines. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Discover new ideas for cooking with flavor.
  2. Get inspiration for Farm to CACFP with indoor growing.
  3. Learn how to excite and educate children with food samples.

Presented by: Cheri Wood, CCNP, CMP, CDA, FDC, Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri CAPNEMO


Future-Proofing Farm to ECE: Strategic Approaches to Sustainability

Farm to ECE improves children's access to produce using three fundamental components: local food buying, experiential learning through gardening, and food and agricultural education integration. As modeled by programs with sustained impact, discover how to gather tools to identify partners, policies, programs, and funding to assist educators working with your sponsoring organization or state agency. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Beginner

  1. Understand the vital relationship between CACFP and Farm to ECE programs.
  2. Explore options for partnership opportunities beneficial for implementation.
  3. Find resources that aid sponsors and agencies in supporting Farm to ECE activities.

Presented by:

Emia Oppenheim, PhD, RDN, Association of State Public Health Nutritionists

Katie Jacobs, MPH, RDN, Hunger Solutions Consulting

Caitlin Vadini, CCNP, CMP, Quality Care for Children

Melissa Daigle-Katz, MPH, USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Speed Session: Harvest of the Month: Local Food Exploration & Learning for Littles

Are you interested in finding resources and ideas to engage kids in exploring and learning about new foods? Discover how Harvest of the Month resources can help you discuss exploring local foods and incorporate Farm to CACFP concepts in your child care setting. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Realize the benefits of engaging kids in food and agriculture education activities.
  2. Understand key considerations for early care providers.
  3. Learn how to access and adapt free resources including activities and recipes.

Presented by: Nora Shields-Cutler, MPH, MSW, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy


Seeds of Hope

Discover how to integrate Farm-to-CACFP to enhance child nutrition and education. Get guided through the essential components to get started (seeds), strategies to implement and sustain your program (growth), and the benefits your program can achieve (harvest). Learn about budgeting, garden planning, curriculum integration, and the positive impacts on children's health and development. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Get steps to initiate or expand your farm-to-ECE program.
  2. Learn best practices for maintaining a thriving program.
  3. Review expected outcomes, including improved child nutrition and learning.

Presented by:

Scott Nutter, Vogel Alcove

Vanessa Conley, Vogel Alcove


Straw Bales: A New Way to Garden

Straw bale gardening can be a fun and affordable way to create a garden, even on paved surfaces or in areas with poor soil. It also offers several advantages over traditional gardening methods. Learn an enjoyable and environmentally conducive way of growing your vegetables with versatility that won't break the bank. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Understand the advantages of straw bale gardening.
  2. Get to know the best plants to use and when to harvest.
  3. Realize how straw bale gardening benefits children.

Presented by:

Pam Heisler, CCNP, Food for Kids, Inc

Alix Pasillas, CCNP, CMP, Food for Kids, Inc




Head Start

Bolstering Nutrition Education in Early Head Start

Early Head Start centers offer staff a unique opportunity to provide healthy meals and snacks through the CACFP and introduce children to nutritional concepts and habits benefiting both child and family. Learn how a dietitian and an educator collaborated to incorporate additional nutritional information into daily routines, aiming to have a lasting impact on the children and families they serve. ~ CEU Specialty 1

  1. See how early health nutrition can influence eating habits in later years.
  2. Identify current nutrition practices and areas for improvement.
  3. Learn how collaboration among nutrition staff and educators enhances health outcomes.

Presented by:

Amy Vaughn, LD, MS, RDN, Murray Head Start

Athena Payne, BA, Murray Head Start


CACFP & Head Start Food Service Regulations

We will focus on the performance standards that govern child nutrition and how they align with the CACFP to provide good nutrition to children in Head Start. Also, learn what is new in the HS performance standards concerning child nutrition. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Understand the Head Start Performance Standards.
  2. Identify the Head Start regulations that govern the food program.
  3. Learn how the performance standards align with the CACFP regulations.

Presented by: Rhonda Kobylecky, CCNP, CMP, Acelero Learning


CACFP Cycle Menus for Head Start

Discover how to create nutritious cycle menus tailored for Head Start programs, while adhering to CACFP guidelines. Get strategies for planning diverse, well-rounded meals that meet program standards. Learn how to balance nutritional needs with appealing, kid-friendly options to support growth and development. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Understand CACFP and Head Start guidelines for creating cycle menus.
  2. Learn how to craft a nutritious four to six-week cycle menu that provides variety.
  3. Explore cost-effective strategies that minimize food waste and consider seasonal availability.

Presented by: Jami Rokala, CCNP, CLC, CMP, LD, MS, RDN, Headwaters Nutrition Counseling, LLC


Conducting Monitoring in the CACFP for Head Start

Review requirements for conducting a monitoring review and get guidance specifically for sponsors. Bring your questions and we’ll find solutions for areas you struggle with when completing a review of sites. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Beginner

  1. Identify CACFP monitoring requirements.
  2. Get best practices for conducting a review at a Head Start site.
  3. Learn how to observe meal counts and the 5-day reconciliation.

Presented by: Jami Rokala, CCNP, CLC, CMP, LD, MS, RDN, Headwaters Nutrition Counseling, LLC


Family Style Mealtime: Developing Language & Social Skills

Family Style dining offers children an encouraging environment to learn how to communicate, use language, and develop social skills. When behavior is modeled and recognized during meal times, children have an advantage in developing those skills. For Head Start, this practice also meets performance standards to support development and learning, socialization, and foster communication. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Explore learning opportunities present when serving meals family style.
  2. Look at how children learn language and social skills at mealtimes.
  3. Review why addressing teacher concerns means better outcomes.

Presented by: Sheila Tompkins-Hess, DHHS/DCFS


Family Style Mealtime: Developing Math, Science, and Motor Skills

Family Style dining is a powerful learning experience for young children. Mealtimes are a great opportunity to incorporate motor skill development as well as math and science building blocks into daily routines. For Head Start, this practice also meets performance standards to support development and learning, socialization, and foster communication. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Examine how family style dining impacts cognitive development.
  2. Recognize teacher concerns and learn how to support them.
  3. Review Head Start Performance standards for mealtimes.

Presented by: Sheila Tompkins-Hess, DHHS/DCFS


Integration of CACFP with Head Start Objectives

Developing a clear understanding of how to align CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program) objectives with broader Head Start goals, such as school readiness, family well-being, and child development is important. Learn how you can identify and implement strategies that integrate nutrition services with Head Start’s comprehensive approach to early childhood education in mind. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Recap key objectives of the CACFP and nutrition's influence on cognition and learning.
  2. Examine Head Start’s goals in school readiness, health, and family support.
  3. Discover tools for monitoring and evaluation program integration.

Presented by: Rhonda Kobylecky, CCNP, CMP, Acelero Learning Head Start


Nutrition-Focused Activities for the Head Start Classroom

Do you find it challenging to engage children when educating them on what they're eating and why it's important? Hands-on activities enhance engagement in nutritional literacy while encouraging learning and providing a positive outlook on healthy foods that can last a lifetime. Get examples of activities and brainstorm new ones for implementation with Head Start in mind. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Identify childhood nutritional needs.
  2. Discover ways to enhance learning and healthy eating habits.
  3. Review engaging classroom materials focused on nutritional health.

Presented by: Laura Sheffield, LD, MS, RDN, Community Action Council- Lexington, KY



Summer Food


Innovative Mapping Tools to Plan for Summer

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) developed an interactive map to provide state and sponsor users with a common tool to easily determine which summer sites are eligible to offer non-congregate services. Learn how spatial analysis was used to streamline reviewing multiple eligibility criteria and how the map's interface was designed to support intuitive user interaction. ~ CEU Specialty 8

  1. Explain the development of the Summer Non-Congregate Eligibility Tool.
  2. Describe what criteria the tool validates and how to access it to apply.
  3. Understand its potential application in other states or programs.

Presented by:

Serena Sligh, Texas Department of Agriculture

Faith Chonko, Texas Department of Agriculture


Speed Session: Lessons Learned, A Bright Future for SFSP Non-Congregate

How could one agency provide hundreds of thousands of meals during the summer of 2024 in several locations throughout two states? Parental pickup and home delivery services!  Enhance your program and reach more children by understanding what worked (and what didn't). ~ CEU Specialty 8, Intermediate

  1. Understand how remaining compliant worked.
  2. Discover tips for improving your non-congregate meals.
  3. Learn how creativity can enhance the future of summer meals.

Presented by:

Larry Karow, UMCFOOD

Jolene Benedict, UMCFOOD

Braden Watts, BBA, UMCFOOD


Feeding Communities: From Planning to Serving Summer Meals

What does it take to feed children over the summer months? A lot of preparation comes before launching your summer food program. Uncover the month-by-month tasks that will help you be successful with the SFSP, from reaching out to previous sites to bidding to hiring to paperwork and so much more! ~ CEU Specialty 8, Beginner

  1. Evaluate and apply effective organizational planning processes.
  2. Create an effective SFSP planning method by understanding key components.
  3. Develop and implement outreach strategies to increase program participation.

Presented by: Heather R. Guzman, San Antonio Food Bank


From 30 Summer Lunches to 400 Grab and Go Meals in 2 Easy Moves

Remember transitioning from SFSP congregate meals to passing out sack meals because of COVID-19 and the difficulties associated with the process? Travel through 19 years of how one nonprofit moved from congregate to non-congregate meals while increasing the meals served. See how you, too, can service rural children in a non-congregate manner, no matter your population size or state. ~ CEU Specialty 8, Intermediate

  1. Discover operational processes and ways to use facilities.
  2. Learn how to coordinate distribution between multiple sites.
  3. Understand resources and services needed and how to utilize them.

Presented by:

Belinda Kasper, LD, MS, RD, Feeding the Children of Central Kansas

Sheron Lowery, BS, Feeding the Children of Central Kansas


Funding Summer on a Shoestring and a Friend

Want to start a summer meal program but lack the budget? Learn how you can run a program with minimal resources and a few friends. Discover creative strategies to build a strong social network and community connections to provide meals for kids in need. Get the basics of managing a summer meal program, including tips on securing donations, partnering with businesses, and involving volunteers. ~ CEU Specialty 8, Beginner

  1. See how to build a network of partners and volunteers to share program workload.
  2. Discover practical tips to stretch your resources and secure new funding.
  3. Get ideas and activities to support your program and the children in it.

Presented by: Jodi Walker, Kids At Their Best


Maximizing SUN Programs Across Two State Agencies

USDA has created its exciting new SUN branding to unify Sun Bucks, Sun Meals-To-Go, and Sun Meals as a family of Summer Nutrition Programs for Kids! But what happens when these are administered by more than a single state agency? Overworked and short-staffed agencies can coordinate via partnerships to co-market and maximize program participation. Learn how the magic happens in North Carolina. ~ CEU Specialty 8

  1. Get tips for co-branding SUN programs in your state across multiple agencies.
  2. Hear about partnership and year-round planning methods to help motivate staff.
  3. Understand why data-sharing, marketing, and communications are essential.

Presented by:

Tamara Cox Baker, BA, Carolina Hunger Initiative and No Kid Hungry NC at UNC Chapel Hill

Jessica Soldavini, LDN, MPH, PhD, RD, Carolina Hunger Initiative and No Kid Hungry NC at UNC Chapel Hill


Navigating Non-Congregate SFSP Meals in Rural and Tribal Areas

Are you curious about implementing SFSP Non-Congregate Meals (NCM) into your summer feeding options? Hear how an Arizona-based food bank discovered qualifying populations, operational implementation, and successes in reaching rural communities with an added perspective of administering the option to children in tribal communities. ~ CEU Specialty 8, Advanced

  1. Learn how NCMs work and the impact they have.
  2. Hear implementation and utilization practices within the SFSP.
  3. See best-practice efficiencies from a current model.

Presented by: Cheyann Pham, MS, St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance


Speed Session: Operating a Non-Congregate Summer Food Service

Have you ever wondered what operating a non-congregate summer nutrition program looks like? How do you pick site locations? How do you navigate the complexity of developing a menu? How do you transport meal bags? How do families and children get to your location in rural areas? Discover helpful tips for all of these and successfully planning and operating your non-congregate feeding site. ~ CEU Specialty 8, Beginner

  1. Learn best practices for facing unique challenges in non-congregate meal sites.
  2. Hear ways of developing operational procedures and get sample menus.
  3. Explore ways to engage your community to support non-congregate locations.

Presented by: Ashley Walterbusch, Family Advocacy Center


*Texas Only* Non-Congregate Summer Feeding: 2024 Lessons for Summer 2025

Curious to see how Texas implemented non-congregate feeding in Summer 2024? Learn about the challenges faced in implementing a full non-congregate program in a short timeframe, the lessons learned, common issues and observations, and best practices for operators wishing to serve non-congregate SFSP meals in Summer 2025. ~ CEU Specialty 8

  1. Explore Texas' application process and requirements for non-congregate SFSP.
  2. Hear lessons learned and observations from summer monitoring.
  3. Get best practices and pitfalls when modifying or planning for Summer 2025.

Presented by:

Maricruz Torres, Texas Department of Agriculture

David Dierksen, Texas Department of Agriculture


Non-Congregate Summer Meal Service

As part of our collaborative efforts to enhance USDA’s summer nutrition programs, approved program operators in low-income, rural areas can now use alternate service models that are tailored to the needs of the children and communities they serve. Learn how to feed kids far from the bus stop. ~ CEU Specialty 8

  1. Hear from State Agency and/or sponsor panelists who implemented rural non-congregate meal service in summer 2023.
  2. Gain a better understanding of the requirements under the forthcoming new rule.
  3. Learn best practices for implementing rural non-congregate meal service.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


SFSP Best Practices and Waste Reduction

Running and managing the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) can be challenging due to timeframe limitations and the complexities in ensuring smooth operations. Adopting effective strategies and best practices enhances meal services, boosts participation, and minimizes waste. Learn methods for efficiently administering SFSP and reducing waste to create a more successful, seamless summer program. ~ CEU Specialty 8, Beginner

  1. Hear how to operate SFSP sites more efficiently.
  2. Get strategies for reducing waste.
  3. Receive ideas to provide culturally diverse foods.

Presented by:

Tiffany Larocque, YMCA of Metro Chicago

Michele Wagner, YMCA of Metro Chicago


SFSP Meal Patterns and Menu Planning

Planning for summer meal service looks different than menu planning in the CACFP. Get an overview of what is allowable in SFSP, and learn how to create summer cycle menus that promote healthy eating. ~ CEU Specialty 8

  1. Understand key requirements of the SFSP meal pattern.
  2. Identify types and quantities of food items that can be used to meet meal pattern requirements.
  3. Learn tips and strategies to develop a nutritious cycle menu.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Summer Food: If I Knew Then What I Know Now

As a first-year sponsor of the SFSP serving congregate meals, there is much to learn, including the distinct differences between summer food and other federally funded food programs. Examine a new sponsor's dive into the program, knowledge and strategies gained, and how you can make effective changes to maximize opportunities for both sponsor and sites. ~ CEU Specialty 8, Intermediate

  1. Hear first-year SFSP sponsor experiences and lessons learned.
  2. Understand potential operational obstacles when implementing Sun Meals.
  3. Review improved methods and important timeframes for strategic planning.

Presented by: Jocelyn Moss, CCNP, CMP, MA, YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh


Summer Meals to Go: Alaska's Rural SFSP Solution

For some states, the SUN Meals To-Go program has just begun, and for others, the option is still to be explored. Get inspired to collaborate with others to serve rural summer meals in your state by hearing about the successes and challenges from the Meals To You Alaska demonstration project's first year in operation. ~ CEU Specialty 8, Intermediate

  1. Learn about the effectiveness of SUN Meals To-Go in rural Alaskan populations.
  2. Review how positive partner collaborations benefit program participants.
  3. Explore how Meals To-Go could feed more children in other rural areas.

Presented by: Gustav Schmidt, Food Bank of Alaska



Afterschool Meals

Aligning Community CACFP & School Nutrition for Greater Impact

Explore opportunities to bridge connections between school districts and community-based organizations to support connecting families with participating programs year-round. Learn how to increase and leverage collaboration to create opportunities for alignment that support CACFP and SFSP and more effectively address food insecurity amongst the families you serve. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Intermediate

  1. Understand how collaboration strategies promote equitable access to nutritious meals.
  2. Learn why data sharing can contribute to community needs assessments.
  3. Grasp ways partnerships help overcome operating challenges and barriers to participation.

Presented by:

Melanie McGuire, Houston Food Bank

Jourdan Stansberry, MPH, Houston Food Bank


Speed Session: Combating the Challenges of an At-Risk Rural Nutrition Program

Running an at-risk rural nutrition program provides challenges, including accessibility, cultural barriers, and sustainability. Learn to create a viable program by addressing the improvement of program infrastructure, tailoring programs to local cultures, and focusing on sustainable, community-driven solutions. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Beginner

  1. Understand how accessibility affects program operation and participation.
  2. Identify cultural barriers challenging the program.
  3. Hear sustainable community and home agricultural practices.

Presented by: Monica Mecham, Boys and Girls Club Columbia Basin


Speed Session: The Dual Impact of Supper Programs on Food Insecurity & Families

Serving supper with CACFP Afterschool Meals has successfully expanded across various states, focusing on its significant impact in alleviating food insecurity and supporting family well-being. Through real-life examples and practical strategies, explore how this program not only addresses immediate nutritional needs but also helps families financially and strengthens family bonds. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Intermediate

  1. Understand implementation, social impact, and steps for scaling supper.
  2. Receive practical advice for overcoming challenges and measuring impact.
  3. Get inspired to advance child nutrition, family support, and community engagement.

Presented by:

Daniel Munoz, IDEA Public Schools

Michael Lopez, MPA, IDEA Public Schools


Expanding Your Afterschool Meals Program for Greater Impact

Discover how a local food program, in just five years, skyrocketed from serving 500 meals daily to 2,000. Learn how they cut costs, reduced waste, and maximized efficiency using ready-made food, all while collaborating with community sites and education leaders to expand their program’s impact. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Intermediate

  1. Learn strategies to grow your food program.
  2. Understand the time and cost-saving benefits of implementing ready-made meals.
  3. Discover how to partner with schools and offer congregate meals.

Presented by: Courtney Fritchen, Boys & Girls Clubs of Utah County


Fueling Extracurricular Students Through USDA-Funded Programs

You might be providing meals and snacks for student, but are you utilizing all available resources? By learning how your athletic department, Child Nutrition Director, and School District can collaborate to leverage USDA-funded programs for additional meals and snacks, you can begin to identify food insecurity and combine nutrition education to optimize student performance during activities. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Intermediate

  1. Recognize USDA-funded programs that support student nutrition.
  2. Understand collaboration to implement the Athlete Feeding Programs Toolkit.
  3. See how to equip and reinforce athletes with resources for knowledge and health.

Presented by: Amy Goodson, LD, RD, MS, CSSD, Amy Goodson, LLC


Maximizing Meal Access in the Out-of-School Time Hours

With childhood hunger on the rise in the wake of the pandemic, it is more important than ever to reinvest in child nutrition programs, particularly those that take place outside of the normal school day. Discover strategies to expand access and bolster participation in the Summer and Afterschool Nutrition Programs from a panel of youth-serving organizations and national non-profits. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Learn about expansion within the summer and after-school nutrition space.
  2. Explore partnership opportunities with organizations in out-of-school time programs.
  3. Gain insight into education and enrichment programming in summer meals.

Presented by:

Clarissa Hayes, Food Research & Action Center

Brett Haydin, Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Stacey McDaniel, MS, YMCA of the USA

Erik Peterson, MPA, Afterschool Alliance


Monitoring 101: Ensuring Compliance in Child Nutrition

Ready to level up your understanding of monitoring in CACFP, SFSP, or After School Meals? Whether you are a beginner or a veteran who never stops studying, discover key points of monitoring compliance, along with tips to be successful in audits, and put your knowledge on display while maximizing reimbursements for your programs. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Learn strategies to prepare and execute a complete monitoring review.
  2. Identify key areas of compliance for Special Programs in Child Nutrition.
  3. Understand the fiscal impact compliance has on your operations.

Presented by: Darren Carter, CCNP, Memphis-Shelby County Schools



Program Administration & Operations

Administrative Review Preparedness for Sponsors

Effective program compliance ensures the success of CACFP and SFSP. What are some of the do’s and don’ts of preparing for an administrative review? Hear lessons learned from administrative review examiners and get recommendations for how sponsors can be better prepared in the future. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Beginner

  1. Learn how to prepare for an administrative review as an auditee.
  2. Identify what to avoid during an administrative review.
  3. Understand the importance of the administrative review process.

Presented by:

Melanie Farris, Myers and Stauffer

Clay Hardin, Myers and Stauffer

Colin Diamond, Myers and Stauffer


Fundamentals of CACFP Child Care Center Monitoring

Learn about pre-visit preparation steps, what to look for while on-site (such as adherence to meal patterns, meal counting, documentation, and civil rights requirements), record retention requirements, and follow-up activities. Recorded on form H1606 in Texas, this tool may be modified for use by other states and as a guide for any sponsoring organizations ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. See what needs to be done before, during, and after a monitoring visit.
  2. Discover on-site evaluation observation criteria.
  3. Understand requirements for retaining records and procedures for post-site visits.

Presented by:

Kimberly Friedman, Texas Department of Agriculture

Janeen Carter, Texas Department of Agriculture


Handling Food Recalls in CACFP

From physical contamination to foodborne illness outbreaks to undeclared allergens, food recalls are an unfortunate part of the food industry. In fact, there were 313 last year alone in the US. It is essential to get relevant information, track recalled food in inventory, and dispose of recalled food properly to prevent accidentally serving unsafe food to children in your care. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Intermediate

  1. Understand how to find out about recalled food products.
  2. Know how to respond to and document a food recall.
  3. Establish procedures for handling food recalls.

Presented by: Liz Dixon, MS, Institute of Child Nutrition


How to Drive Student Participation in School Food Programs

You've invested so much time and resources in launching your school food program. You want to sustain and grow your program — but how? The secret to your success is your students. With public funding a key factor in sustaining high-quality school food programs, the role of student engagement is vital. Learn different ways to create programs built for students by students. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Examine how to engage students in shaping the design of the school food program.
  2. Understand structures and systems that help drive student participation.
  3. Learn to leverage student preference to help shape menu offerings.

Presented by: Raymie Fernandez, MS, DREAM Charter School Persefoni Vordokas


Managing Food Vendors for CACFP Compliance

Are some or all of your reimbursable meals prepared offsite by food vendors? If so, then you know the added compliance challenges this brings. Learn how to maximize reimbursements and remain compliant despite variability in vendor knowledge of CACFP requirements, administrative capabilities, or supply chain challenges. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Hear best practices and procedures for vendor performance management.
  2. Learn how to plan for controlling and maintaining menu documentation.
  3. Discover strategies for managing menu substitutions and backup meals.

Presented by:

Maria Texido, Bezos Academy

Allison Wood, Bezos Academy


Navigating Specific Prior Written Approvals for Budget Items

Are you new to the CACFP or looking for a way to up your game when it comes to Specific Prior Written Approvals (SPWA)? Get a comprehensive overview of the process including insight on the requirements, steps for compliance, and best practices for tracking and reporting. Extend your knowledge to ensure adherence to the budgetary regulations for your purchased items or services. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Advanced

  1. Understand the necessity of SPWAs and documentation accuracy.
  2. Learn criteria and thresholds triggering the need for SPWAs.
  3. Receive training tips and practical solutions for resolving SPWA issues.

Presented by:

June Bryant, CCNP, CMP, Southwest Human Development Services Corporation

Hayden Blake Stanford, CMP, Southwest Human Development Services Corporation


*Texas Only* The NDL and TEXSL Placement & Removal Process for CACFP & SFSP

Get a complete overview of how the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) places and removes institutions and individuals on the National Disqualified List (NDL) and Texas Excluded Summer Food Service Program List (TEXSL). Review the state regulations and TDA handbook references. For the best experience, bring a laptop or tablet. ~ CEU Specialty 4

  1. Explore criteria and processes used for adding institutions and individuals to the lists.
  2. Analyze the steps to request removal from the NDL and TEXSL.
  3. Learn how to submit a Removal Request Form and what supporting documentation is required.

Presented by: Anjanette Jackson, Texas Department of Agriculture


*Texas Only* Program Integrity Rule and Administrative & Procurement Reviews

Hear how the Program Integrity Rule has affected the Administrative and Procurement Review procedures in Texas and why it matters. Also, get a refresher on the importance of maintaining proper recordkeeping for submission during a review. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon

  1. Examine the changes to the review processes and requirements.
  2. Hear the importance of implementing an accurate and thorough recordkeeping system.
  3. Get strategies for how to prepare and submit records efficiently.

Presented by:

Iyke Nwanji, Texas Department of Agriculture

Brandi Broughton, Texas Department of Agriculture

Kristy Angkinand, Texas Department of Agriculture


Serious Deficiency Process

Are you in a quandary about the SD process? Get an overview of the serious deficiency process, hear about the most common errors in responding to serious deficiencies, and better understand the elements of the appeals process and role of the hearing official. ~ CEU Specialty 4, Beginner

  1. Define serious deficiencies in the CACFP.
  2. Identify steps of the serious deficiency process.
  3. Understand key terms and timelines in the SD process.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Serving School Meals to Preschoolers

Sometimes, schools must serve meals to a variety of grades at the same time. This is usually due to operational constraints, such as time and space. While this is allowed, there are good reasons to avoid co-mingled meal service. Learn the differences between preschool and K-5 meal patterns and get ideas on how to avoid co-mingled meal service. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Explore meal pattern considerations when serving preschoolers in a school setting.
  2. Understand co-mingling when serving preschool students.
  3. Discover resources to assist program operators in planning menus that meet the preschool meal pattern.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


*Texas Only* Tips for New and Returning Sponsors on the Application Process

New and returning Texas sponsors will get essential guidance on the CACFP application process. Learn best practices and key tips to avoid common errors and reminders to ensure a smooth and successful submission. See how to streamline your application experience and enhance your program’s success no matter your sponsorship experience. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon

  1. Review comprehensive information about the Texas CACFP application process.
  2. Learn strategies to prevent common errors and returned applications.
  3. Get key reminders addressing necessary details during application submission.

Presented by: Geoff Horni, Texas Department of Agriculture


Who's at the Door? Navigating Home Monitoring Situations

Ever faced an empty home or had the police show up unexpectedly during a monitoring visit? Do you know how to handle these situations? Explore the unique challenges that field monitors can face and brainstorm ways to effectively handle them to ensure seamless and successful visits. ~ CEU Specialty 2

  1. Gain ideas to prepare for the unexpected during monitoring visits.
  2. Learn effective strategies to minimize onsite challenges.
  3. Review policies and procedures for effective monitoring reviews.

Presented by:

Denise Andrews, CCNP, CMP, For The Children, Inc.

Beth Carlton, CCNP, CMP, Child Care Links



Management & Professional Development


Speed Session: Cultivating Leadership: A Framework for Effective Strategies

Do you want to become a better leader? Learn effective skills for guiding teams, enhancing program efficiency, and fostering a positive workplace. Get practical strategies to develop a compelling vision, build high-performing teams, cultivate a supportive and inclusive workplace culture, and improve the impact of your child nutrition programs. ~ CEU Specialty 6

  1. Develop skills for communicating a clear vision to inspire your team.
  2. Discover effective strategies to foster collaboration, trust, and productivity.
  3. Gain tips to create a positive culture of inclusivity and recognition.

Presented by: Crystal McEwen, Scooltastic Kids


Don't Be a Bore: Make Your Trainings Roar

Does implementing practical strategies that create captivating and impactful training sessions seem difficult? Say goodbye to worrying about how well your message will stick with participants. Discover simple techniques to tailor your training for diverse audiences by incorporating hands-on activities, adult learning principles, visuals, games, and props, ensuring your presentations resonate. ~ CEU Specialty 6

  1. Understand the importance of active participation and interactive experiences.
  2. Learn methods to increase comprehension, retention, and engagement.
  3. Get tips for tailoring your approach and creating audience-centered presentations.

Presented by: Sarah Smith-Holmes, Level One Consulting


Speed Session: Enhance Staff Capacity by Engaging College Students

Overworked and understaffed? Are you looking for additional support for your child nutrition program? Discover methods for recruiting and engaging enthusiastic college students. Get strategies for paid and unpaid student recruitment opportunities, ideas for suitable roles, and tips for training and working with students who might just become outstanding future long-term employees. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Learn the benefits of collaborating with college students in your nutrition program.
  2. See how student roles can be aligned with their academic program or service learning.
  3. Hear examples of internship programs operated by others.

Presented by:

Jessica Soldavini, LDN, MPH, PhD, RD, Carolina Hunger Initiative and No Kid Hungry NC at UNC Chapel Hill

Tamara Baker, Carolina Hunger Initiative and No Kid Hungry NC at UNC Chapel Hill


Enhancing Communication Channels

Are your messages being received differently than you intended? Effective communication is the cornerstone of success in any organization, particularly in programs like the CACFP, where collaboration among parents, teachers, and staff is paramount. See how to address the diverse communication needs of these stakeholders and optimize channels to ensure clarity, transparency, and engagement. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Understand stakeholder engagement.
  2. Explore strategies for optimizing communication.
  3. Learn engagement techniques and methods.

Presented by: Patrick Butler, MS, Institute of Child Nutrition


Filling Your Cup: Comprehensive Self-Care Strategies

When staff are well, the entire program thrives. However, finding comprehensive wellness can be difficult, especially when many activities that promote self-care are temporary. Explore how workplace burnout happens and learn sustainable, effective skills to maintain personal wellness. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Recognize common signs of personal and staff burnout.
  2. Find out how you can create support systems for you and your staff to manage stress.
  3. Identify productive complaining and understand why it can be effective.

Presented by:

Madeline Moritsch, MS, RDN, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Josephine Thomason, LDN, MS, RDN, FNLP, Alliance for a Healthier Generation


Fueling the Future: Strategies to Prevent Burnout

Burnout is a common challenge that can impact both personal well-being and professional effectiveness. Explore practical tools and techniques to maintain balance, boost resilience, and stay energized in your role. Get empowered to stay in the fight against child hunger over the long haul, without compromising your own health and well-being. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Understand how to recognize burnout.
  2. Learn time management, self-care, and mindfulness skills.
  3. Discover how to create a culture of support to enhance overall satisfaction.

Presented by: Tamara Sandberg, MS, Feed the Children


Healthy Leaders, Healthier Programs: Prioritizing Leader Well-Being

How often do you prioritize and invest in your resilience and overall well-being as a program director or administrator? If you’re experiencing feelings of exhaustion or symptoms of burnout, the answer is likely not often enough. Discover evidence-based strategies for managing workplace stress while creating an action plan to help you focus on your health and long-term career sustainability. ~ CEU Specialty 6

  1. Understand the importance of mentally and emotionally present leadership.
  2. Learn to apply the Six Sides of the Well-being Framework to your professional life.
  3. See steps you can take to buffer against workplace stressors.

Presented by: Laurie Strouse, Penn State Extension Better Kid Care


Healthy Staff, Healthy Kids: Cultivating Wellness for Your Teams

The work of child nutrition professionals is important, nurturing, and fulfilling even while it is equally demanding and challenging. Investing in the well-being of meal service staff can lead to healthier, happier team members, and ultimately, healthier children. Explore the vital role of staff wellness in enhancing the effectiveness of nutrition programs. ~ CEU Specialty 6

  1. Understand how staff wellness impacts the quality of child nutrition program services.
  2. Recognize strategies to reduce stress and cultivate wellness.
  3. Learn tips and resources for creating a healthy program workplace.

Presented by: Shonika A. Kwarteng, LD, MBA, RDN, National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety


Resilience: The Key to Overcoming Challenges

Resilience: The ability to bounce back. It’s what enables students to come out of challenging experiences with a positive attitude about themselves and their futures. After 18 years in foster care and watching his daughter battle brain cancer, hear how Dee turned those unexpected events into incredible life lessons. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Identify the definition and 3 categories of resilience.
  2. Learn the power of a caring adult.
  3. Discover how to turn negative situations into positive life experiences.

Presented by: Dee Hankins, Dee Hankins Inc


Speed Session: Leadership Essentials for CACFP Professionals

Discover key leadership strategies to enhance program effectiveness and foster team collaboration. Perfect for professionals looking to elevate their leadership skills within their CACFP organization. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Learn leadership strategies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the CACFP.
  2. Examine techniques to build and maintain strong, collaborative teams.
  3. Gain insights and practical tips to elevate your leadership skills.

Presented by: Patrick Butler, MS, Institute of Child Nutrition


Speed Session: Sell Them Your Dream: Getting Buy-In From Your Team

Are you struggling to articulate your vision to your team? Explore ideas, experiences, and incentives that could work to help promote buy-in from your staff. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Gain skills for better understanding your employees' needs.
  2. Learn to share your vision and receive employee feedback.
  3. Understand how to encourage participation through incentivization.

Presented by: Johnna Rembert Beard, CMP, MPH, SNS, Montgomery Public Schools


Teaming Up for Greater Impact: Creating Collaborative Partnerships

Do you have difficulty evaluating and establishing potential collaborative partnerships in your community? Discover the characteristics of communal relationship types to build a matrix plan. Then, learn how to apply strategies to plan for and implement collaborative engagement with community partners. ~ CEU Specialty 6

  1. Understand the benefits and risks of collaborative partnerships.
  2. Know how to evaluate partnership success.
  3. Gather insights for fostering new and ongoing relationships.

Presented by:

Dior Burns, Buckner Children and Family Services

Shelly Smith, Buckner Children and Family Services


When Tough Isn't Enough, Build Mental Strength

In today's fast-paced world, women are under immense pressure to excel in every aspect of life. Delve into the unique stressors women face and the necessity of building mental strength to shape their resilience and emotions into extraordinary personal power. Learn how to use emotions, hormones, or anxiety to your advantage to keep stress low and clear thinking high. ~ CEU Specialty 6

  1. Examine how pressure and stress can be used to leverage growth.
  2. Understand the differences between mental strength and mental toughness.
  3. Discover how fun, play, and laughter are necessary to build resilience and find happiness.

Presented by: Jennifer Bassman, JBR Coaching LLC


Who Is Your Best Self? Understand Yourself to Understand Others

You need to know your own learning preferences and your management and communication style before you can recognize those characteristics in your staff. Take a quick self-assessment and plan to reflect together how to use them so you can better hire new employees and retain raving fans on your staff. ~ CEU Specialty 6

  1. Assess your learning and management styles, love languages, and locations of your tension.
  2. Review a case study to assess characteristics in others better.
  3. Discuss how to apply insights to motivate, recognize, and develop your staff.

Presented by:

Kate Woodward Young, M.Ed., Director Success Academy

Carrie Casey,


Why Curiosity Matters: Challenging Perceptions to Create Change

Every human being experiences life from a specific point of view. Challenge your perceptions of people and ideas by embracing active curiosity. Create measurable and sustainable change in your personal and professional domains by learning how to engage your imagination. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Examine your intuitive desire to make change.
  2. Learn how to reverse engineer existing structures and practices.
  3. Reimagine and reconstruct the perceptual world through curiosity.

Presented by: Timothy Palmer, Timothy Palmer Creative


Speed Session: Work-Life Imbalance: Supporting the "New Norm" in the Workplace

What is mental health and how can we combat stress and anxiety in our daily lives to create a healthy lifestyle at home and the workplace? How does your health affect your professionalism? With the right information, you can have a proper work-life balance. Get self-care tips and resources for when you need to talk about it. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Gather insights on mental health and its effects.
  2. Gain recommendations for self-care and professional development.
  3. See breathing techniques to relax the body during times of stress and anxiety.

Presented by: Deborah Wilson, CCNP, CMP, Georgia Nutritional Services, Inc.



Financial Management


Best Practices for Developing a Financial Management Process

Financial Management is an important factor in the success of CACFP and SFSP. But should sponsors’ financial management process be proactive or reactive? Get practical recommendations on how sponsors can implement financial management best practices. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Beginner

  1. Explore program requirements for financial management.
  2. Learn how to establish a financial management process.
  3. Discover the do’s and don’ts of the financial management process.

Presented by:

Melanie Farris, Myers and Stauffer

Clay Hardin, Myers and Stauffer

Colin Diamond, Myers and Stauffer


CACFP Administrative Budgets

Looking for tips and best practices on the preparation of an acceptable administrative budget? Learn the importance of strategic planning, using historical financial information to develop a budget, and more to help you plan your budget and keep it updated throughout the year. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Beginner

  1. Understand the requirements of an acceptable administrative budget.
  2. Define allowable and unallowable costs in the program.
  3. Identify factors in funding that affect your budget.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Developing a CACFP Budget

Now that you know the basics of how to develop an administrative budget, dive into details and best practices about how to tailor a budget to your CACFP operation. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Intermediate

  1. Understand why compliance matters.
  2. Get practical tools and resources to help with the cost allocation process.
  3. Learn how to write a cost allocation plan.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Financial Management for Center Sponsors

Ensuring program compliance with proper accounting systems is essential for success in the CACFP. Discover strategies for establishing internal controls for effective financial management. Get best practices and an increased awareness of the importance of recordkeeping and documentation. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Intermediate

  1. Identify the CACFP performance standards.
  2. Understand the financial duties of a sponsoring organization.
  3. Learn how to draft a CACFP Management Plan.

Presented by: Lynda Bryant-Leibrock, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency


Investigating Fraud, Waste & Abuse in Federally Funded Programs

Gain insight on investigating allegations of non-compliance in the CACFP and SFSP. Learn how to identify red flags during a monitoring review and take home interview techniques, sampling methodologies, and best practices which have been instrumental in identifying fraud, waste, and abuse in federally funded programs. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Beginner

  1. Define the meaning of fraud and learn the different types.
  2. Explore techniques to identify fraud.
  3. Learn strategies to reduce the risk of fraud, waste, and abuse in the CACFP and SFSP.

Presented by: Cherese Myree, MH Miles Company


Navigating Specific Prior Written Approvals for Budget Items

Are you new to the CACFP or looking for a way to up your game when it comes to Specific Prior Written Approvals (SPWA)? Get a comprehensive overview of the process including insight on the requirements, steps for compliance, and best practices for tracking and reporting. Extend your knowledge to ensure adherence to the budgetary regulations for your purchased items or services. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Advanced

  1. Understand the necessity of SPWAs and documentation accuracy.
  2. Learn criteria and thresholds triggering the need for SPWAs.
  3. Receive training tips and practical solutions for resolving SPWA issues.

Presented by:

June Bryant, CCNP, CMP, Southwest Human Development Services Corporation

Hayden Blake Stanford, CMP, Southwest Human Development Services Corporation


Procuring Local Foods for Child Nutrition Programs

From beef and bison in Montana to apples in Michigan and radishes in Rhode Island, local foods are on the menu for children across the country. Hear how local procurement not only supports increasing economic opportunities for local farmers, but also helps child care institutions incorporate wholesome local foods into program meals and encourages children to make healthy food choices. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Beginner

  1. Learn how local foods can meet meal pattern requirements.
  2. Understand what is required when purchasing local foods.
  3. Get resources for successful procurement.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Sponsoring Summer Food: Keys to Financial Management

You’re already working in the food program and are ready to expand to summer feeding. Hear about best practices to ensure proper internal controls for successful financial management and mitigate high risk program areas. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Intermediate

  1. Identify key SFSP Financial Management Requirements.
  2. Discover strategies for existing programs to include SFSP.
  3. Acquire best practices to prevent common internal control weaknesses.

Presented by: Cherese Myree, MH Miles Company




Policy & Advocacy

Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities in Community Meals

Become an agent of equality by learning ways of accommodating participants with disabilities in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) for State Agency staff and frontline staff who interact with program participants. From requirements to modifications, gain the necessary tools for administration and advocacy. ~ CEU Specialty 7

  1. Understand requirements for Disability Access and modifications to accommodate disabilities in these Community Meals programs.
  2. Hear example Meal Modification scenarios and solutions addressing requirements, requests, and best practice procedures.
  3. Interact directly with FNS Civil Rights subject matter experts.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


CACFP Newsroom: Breaking News

Get the latest news on policy and advocacy issues in the CACFP. Understand the federal legislation and regulations that impact you. Whether you're a provider, sponsor, or advocate, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to help you stay informed and inspired to make a difference in your community. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Beginner

  1. Hear about legislation currently in Congress.
  2. Understand the key issues in the CACFP.
  3. Learn about NCA policy priorities that will help improve, modernize and streamline the CACFP.

Presented by: Alexia Thex, MEd, M.Ed., National CACFP Sponsors Association


Championing Change with CACFP Advocacy

Do you want to advocate for your program or those you serve, but don't know where to begin? Being an "advocate" can sound daunting or difficult, but it doesn't have to be! Learn how to get started and receive resources to help you along the way. Plus, hear first-hand from your peers about their experience advocating for the CACFP. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Beginner

  1. Understand what advocacy is and how to engage in it.
  2. Hear stories from CACFP advocates about the experience.
  3. Create your own advocacy plan and take action.

Presented by: McKenzie Brunner, MGPS, National CACFP Sponsors Association


Changing CACFP State Policy: A Colorado Case Study

Colorado is working across state agencies and with community members and advocates to ensure equitable eligibility processes for CACFP in the state. That starts with ensuring Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) providers and the children in their care can access the CACFP. Explore Colorado's journey to create change and hear how it could work in your state. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Intermediate

  1. Understand the potential to increase eligibility and access to CACFP.
  2. Learn about Colorado's process for change and coalition building.
  3. Review the perceived risks of FFNs accessing CACFP and how to mitigate them.

Presented by:

Taber Ward, JD, DK Foundation

Miguel In Suk Lovato, MA, DK Foundation

Kristen Collins, MA, Colorado Food Cluster, Inc.


Civil Rights 101: Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements

As State Agency staff who interact with program applicants, participants, potentially eligible individuals, and those supervising front-line staff, annual Civil Rights training is a requirement. Receive your Civil Rights training requirements as outlined in FNS Instruction 113-1, Civil Rights Compliance and Enforcement – Nutrition Programs and Activities. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Beginner

  1. Comprehend that information, access, and services are required to be available to populations within the program’s service area.
  2. Learn current compliance areas, policies, and procedures to better prepare your organization for an FNS Civil Rights review.
  3. Interact directly with FNS Civil Rights subject matter experts.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Civil Rights Compliance and Special Diets in the CACFP

What is required for a child with a food allergy or special diet need? Come and learn how to best support the needs of the child while balancing program regulations. Review real-world examples with solutions and lists of creditable foods, tools and resources while maintaining compliance with civil rights. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Intermediate

  1. Understand the basic requirements for civil rights and special diets.
  2. Get documents, forms, and nutrition education resources.
  3. Discover how other sponsors/programs are managing special diets.

Presented by: Kate Abernathy, CCNP, CMP, LDN, MS, RDN, Providers Choice


Cultivating Connections Between Sponsors and Public Health Partners

CACFP Sponsoring Organizations, public health practitioners and nutritionists strive to support children’s growth and development by ensuring consistent and reliable access to safe water and nutritious food. Learn how you can expand CACFP participation by creating connections with public health partners and knowing where to find resources. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Beginner

  1. Understand the alignment of goals between sponsors and public health professionals.
  2. Identify how to leverage existing efforts and programs to maximize reach.
  3. Explore collaboration efforts through brainstorming activities.

Presented by:

Nora Geary, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, McKing Consulting Corporation

Emia Oppenheim, PhD, MPhil, RDN, Association for State Public Health Nutritionists


State Agency Strategies to Uplift the CACFP

There are many common and innovative strategies for promoting and expanding access to the CACFP. Implementing successful strategies at the State level can help get meals to those that need it most. Hear from a panel of State Agencies about the strategies they implement to uplift the CACFP in their state. ~ CEU Specialty 7, Intermediate

  1. ⁠Understand the importance of expanding access to the CACFP.
  2. Learn best practices adopted by state agencies.
  3. Determine what strategies could be helpful in your state.

Presented by: McKenzie Brunner, MGPS, National CACFP Sponsors Association



Research & Resources


Actividades lúdicas para enseñar dietas saludables

La forma en que alimentamos a los niños es crucial para su desarrollo y también es importante ayudarlos a aprender a tener una relación saludable con la comida. Descubra cómo puede incorporar estrategias de aprendizaje lúdicas a las rutinas diarias que le permitirán lograr ambos objetivos. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Comprender la importancia de la relación de los niños con la comida.
  2. Aprender la capacidad del juego como herramienta para enseñar contenidos de forma activa y adecuada.
  3. Ver cómo se puede integrar la educación nutricional en actividades lúdicas.

Presented by: Marielisa Vera, MS, The Committee for Hispanic Children & Families


An Adventure Through MyPlate Resources

Take an adventure with the MyPlate team and discover new MyPlate resources and tools in an interactive, hands-on learning experience. From tipsheets to graphics, digital tools to healthy, budget-friendly recipes, as well as translated materials, these user-friendly resources make providing nutrition education easier with the help of MyPlate. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Beginner

  1. Learn about MyPlate resources that are evidenced-based, consumer-focused, and segmented by life stages.
  2. Create a profile and begin using the Start Simple with MyPlate App to set daily nutrition goals.
  3. Get resources to use with the staff and family members you serve at your care center.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Early Relational Health Paves the Way for Healthy Child Development

Early relational health is a strength-based framework focusing on safe, stable, and nurturing relationships (SSNRs) between children and caregivers. As an early care professional who is uniquely positioned to support children in this area, including social-emotional learning (SEL) skill development, learn how to enhance your understanding of relational health. ~ CEU Specialty 3

  1. Understand SSNRs across early learning and child development.
  2. Define the five core competencies of SEL.
  3. Discover toolkits and learning opportunities to support relational health.

Presented by: Julia Gest, MEd, Penn State Extension Better Kid Care


Harvesting Hope, Nourishing Our Future

Learn how a Harvest of the Month program can incorporate nutrition education while encompassing early education foundations. Get inspiration and a guide to hands-on activities and resources to start your own program and create a meaningful learning environment that embeds healthy habits throughout the day. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Understand early childhood development.
  2. Discover nutrition education's connection to a culturally responsive classroom.
  3. See ways to create your own Harvest of the Month program.

Presented by:

Danielle Johnson, Weaver Union School District

Sandra Lee, Weaver Union School District


Hunger, Health, and How Early Care Settings Can Help

While hunger and nutrition insecurity pose similarities, they also have distinct differences. Additionally, a lack of access to healthy food affects early childhood development. Discover ways of increasing food security and supporting early care and education professionals to implement strategies critical for continued nutrition access. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Learn the relationship between nutrition insecurity and health outcomes.
  2. See how changes to the care environment can influence food selection.
  3. Identify strategies you can use to increase healthy food access.

Presented by: Staci Coussens, LDN, MPH, RDN, University of Illinois Extension


Implementing the Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate in CACFP Settings

CACFP providers and educators are crucial in setting infants and children up for optimal health that will follow them throughout the life cycle, including into older adulthood. See the available Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate resources to support your implementation efforts. ~ CEU Specialty 3

  1. Identify key nutrients of concern that CACFP participants do not get enough of.
  2. Get DGA resources that support nutrition needs throughout the lifecycle.
  3. Receive MyPlate resources that support nutrition needs throughout the lifecycle.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Inside and Out: Sesame Street's Whole Child Wellness

Description coming soon!


Presented by: Antonio Freitas, MST, Sesame Workshops


The Numbers Behind the Story: Unveiling Insights with Data

Use Data to Drive Action. That's California's Health and Human Services team's guiding principle. Discover how the CACFP Branch created a Data Innovation Unit to explore ways to provide data analysis to make better-informed program decisions, identify methods to measure program improvements, and create data stories connecting CACFP to the communities served. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Beginner

  1. See the value and importance of data-driven decision-making in programs
  2. Understand what data is, how it surrounds you, and how it can help understand needs.
  3. Hear a fun way to engage program participants with data stories.

Presented by: Brandi Airada, California Department of Social Services


Nutrition to Youth Development: An Extension's Role in Schools

Discover the benefits of partnering and connecting with your state's extension services to enhance school nutrition, gardening, physical activities, and youth development programs. Learn how extension services can begin to help improve community well-being through innovative solutions in education and fostering impactful collaborations, ultimately enriching student education and health. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Understand how extension programs operate.
  2. Learn about successful programs used in communities.
  3. Realize positive behavior changes based on extension curricula implementation.

Presented by: Sanci Hall, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services


Playful Activities for Teaching Healthy Diets

The way we feed children is crucial for their development and it is also important to help children learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. Hear how you can add playful learning strategies into daily routines that will accomplish both of these objectives. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Beginner

  1. Understand the importance of how children relate to food.
  2. Learn play's ability as a tool to teach content actively and appropriately.
  3. See how you can integrate nutrition education into playful activities.

Presented by: Marielisa Vera, MS, The Committee for Hispanic Children & Families


Recent USDA Studies on CACFP and Summer Meals

Learn findings from professional nutrition literature and assessments, including the Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings (SNACS), the Summer Meals Study (SUMS), and other relevant USDA research on CACFP and Summer Meals. ~ CEU Specialty 8

  1. Understand how new meal standards introduced in 2017 affected the nutritional quality and dietary intake of children.
  2. Hear about current and former provider benefits and challenges of participating in the program and their reasons for leaving it.
  3. Learn about the initial implementation of non-congregate meal service in rural areas.

Presented by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Speed Session: Supporting Food Security in Your Local Community

Seventeen percent of households with children and upwards of 30% of child care providers deal with the challenge of food insecurity in their personal lives. Learn and discuss ways to reduce stigma amongst food-insecure populations and better support food security within local communities. ~ CEU Specialty Coming Soon, Beginner

  1. Learn how to create a directory of food assistance resources.
  2. Determine an action plan to create proactive solutions for food security.
  3. Get model policies for implementation in your program.

Presented by: Jennifer Onopa, MS, RDN, LDN, Penn State Better Kid Care


Speed Session: What Are Children Eating? A Plate Waste Study

A two-year plate waste study of SFSP and CACFP participants revealed a great deal of information, including what children were and were not eating. Learn about the subsequent adjustments that were made and what reevaluations looked like. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Beginner

  1. Hear about the plate waste study.
  2. Learn what the children served in the food programs were eating.
  3. Examine how adjustments to service helped with plate waste.

Presented by: Dr. Julie Bedford, PhD, Gleaners Community Food Bank





Speed Session: CACFP Training Program & Nutrition Calendar

Where else can you find nutrition information, CACFP best practices, crafts, activities, business tips, training modules, parent connection letters, curriculum, and record-keeping in one place? NCA's Nutrition Calendar & Training Program offers it all for providers, centers, and afterschool sites. Get the 56-page calendar record-keeping system and 5-hour training in bulk for under $5 per provider! ~ Beginner

  1. Learn how to use the calendar materials to support your program.
  2. Get inspired on how to implement the activities and training.
  3. Find out why over 35,000 providers across the country consider this their #1 CACFP resource.

Presented by: Lisa Mack, National CACFP Sponsors Association


CNP Integrity Rule Best Practices with MH Miles

Want to ensure the oversight you provide is held to the highest standard? Get best practices to comply with state agency financial review requirements associated with the child nutrition program integrity final rule. ~ CEU Specialty 5, Beginner

  1. Analyze the review of actual expenditures for sponsoring organizations of unaffiliated centers.
  2. Learn about the annual verification of bank activity.
  3. Hear about monitoring documentation of non-profit status for all institutions.

Presented by: Cherese Myree, MH Miles Company


Crediting Puzzle: Putting the Pieces Together for CACFP

Crediting can feel like a puzzle for child nutrition professionals, but it doesn't have to be that hard. We can simplify the process by using key sources of crediting information, such as CN labels, Product Formulation Statements (PFS), and the Food Buying Guide (FBG). At Health-e Pro, we also offer guidance on how to credit foods accurately. ~ CEU Specialty 1, Intermediate

  1. Understand and identify accurate CN labels and PFS statements.
  2. Learn step-by-step processes for crediting foods.
  3. Know where to source information for crediting.

Presented by: Lynn Shavinsky, SNS, Health-e Pro


How to Achieve Food Program Compliance with CREDIBLE Automation

Discover the benefits of automation in the food program and claims process from providers and sponsors using Alliance CREDIBLE, a stand-alone CACFP food program software, presented by Early Learning Ventures. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Beginner

  1. Gain awareness of automation tools for CACFP.
  2. Learn how providers use CREDIBLE features.
  3. Hear panelists share how they build trust and credibility with automation.

Presented by:

Faith McCaul, Early Learning Ventures

Judy Williams, MBA, Early Learning Ventures


How to Get Along with an AI Coworker by Your Part-Time Controller

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the way nonprofits operate and pursue their missions. We'll demystify the core concepts of generative AI, review where and in what forms you may encounter it, and discuss how to approach it responsibly. Discover AI's impact through case studies and how our Checklist for Mindful Prompting can help you communicate effectively with chat-based AI tools. ~ CEU Specialty 6, Beginner

  1. Hear AI’s strengths and weaknesses in the context of professional services workflows.
  2. Understand the ethics, privacy, and security implications of using AI.
  3. Learn best practices for effective communication with chat-based AI tools.

Presented by: Theresa Ten Eyck, CPA, MPA, Your Part-Time Controller


Leveraging Technology in Your After School Meals Program

Managing afterschool meal services across multiple locations can be overwhelming. This session will explore how Link2Feed’s CACFP software streamlines meal service recording, simplifies compliance, and ensures accurate record-keeping and reporting. Discover how technology can help you save time, reduce errors, and stay audit-ready with ease. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Intermediate

  1. Learn to simplify meal service recording and reporting.
  2. Get improved compliance with automated checks.
  3. Find out how to save time by managing multiple sites seamlessly.

Presented by: Danielle Skirrow, Link2Feed


Spend Less, Get More: How to Stretch Your Grocery Dollars

Food cost inflation continues to increase at a rapid rate, year over year. The price of eggs alone increased over 80 percent last year. Childcare centers are continually asked to do more with less. Serving nutritious meals and snacks doesn’t have to break the bank. Learn tips on how to uncover hidden costs and determine which deals are truly beneficial for you. ~ CEU Specialty 2, Beginner

  1. Learn why all canned foods are not created equal and how to determine costs per serving.
  2. Discover how to source cost-effective alternative products.
  3. Understand how group purchasing can provide savings, benefits, and rewards.

Presented by: Kris Davis, Food & Supply Source


Streamlining Administrative Reviews with PrimeroEdge

Discover how PrimeroEdge’s Administrative Reviews software streamlines the USDA review process for CACFP/SFSP sponsors and state agencies. Experience the efficient browser-based solution that improves accuracy and reduces errors through its consistent and collaborative review process with key features including real-time status updates, mobile device accessibility, 24/7 data security, and more. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Intermediate

  1. Learn how you can implement an efficient administrative review process.
  2. See ways to enhance collaboration between state agencies and sponsors.
  3. Discover tools for reporting and documentation of your administrative review process.

Presented by: Daniel J. Todd, PrimeroEdge


Taking the Paper out of CACFP Paperwork with KidKare by Minute Menu

Are you tired of keeping track of CACFP paperwork? What if we told you we could cut the time you spend on paperwork in half? Learn how KidKare by Minute Menu solves the problem—by taking all the CACFP paperwork and reporting digitally. Whether you sponsor homes, centers, or both, we have a solution for you. With 30 years of experience, we are continuing to make CACFP easier and more manageable. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Beginner

  1. Learn how to empower your Sponsor team and sites with electronic record-keeping.
  2. Experience a live demo of our solution to see the entire process from start to finish.
  3. Hear success stories of a sponsor using KidKare by Minute Menu.

Presented by: Jordan Berkstresser, KidKare by Minute Menu


The Most Customizable CACFP Software: Make My Food Program Yours

With happy customers in 44 states, and child nutrition experts on staff, My Food Program has a simple, user-friendly interface, automatic compliance checks and offers My Food Program+, our simplified and streamlined app. Customer support is available via live chat, telephone and email. Learn how we can help you every step of the way in your transition from another software or paper recordkeeping. ~ CEU Specialty 3, Beginner

  1. Understand why using software to manage the CACFP is a must.
  2. Discover the ease of customizing solutions to meet the specific needs of your program.
  3. Learn how we support customers.

Presented by: Amy Raleigh, My Food Program