Cindy Long Named Friend of CACFP
April 19, 2022

The Friend of CACFP Award
The National CACFP Sponsors Association Friend of CACFP Award honors and recognizes an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to supporting and improving the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) through leadership and initiative. These individuals have made significant and demonstrable contributions to the CACFP through advocacy, legislation, education, or professional endeavors that exemplify a positive impact or advancement of our national child nutrition programs.
USDA Food and Nutrition Service Administrator, Cindy Long
We are pleased to present the award this year to the Administrator of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Cindy Long, for her work with the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, her support of the much-needed flexibilities during the nationwide COVID-19 pandemic, and her years of dedication to improvements in the CACFP and all other child nutrition programs. “It is an honor and a privilege to partner with these child nutrition ambassadors through my role at Food and Nutrition Service as we work together to combat hunger, improve nutrition, and lift up families for a better tomorrow. Thanks to the passion and dedication of the CACFP community, millions of our nation’s children have greater access to healthy meals and snacks that set them up to thrive.” Ms. Long started her career working at the USDA FNS in the CACFP and has continued to support the food program. She has served FNS in other roles, including leadership of FNS regional offices and research and analysis initiatives in support of domestic nutrition assistance programs. Ms. Long also has vast experience in budget and appropriations issues, including several years with the Office of Management and Budget. She has an MPA in public policy and economics from Princeton University’s School of Public and International Affairs, and a BA in economics from the University of Notre Dame. We thank Cindy Long for her role in strengthening the CACFP and are pleased to honor her with the Friend of CACFP Award. Without her commitment, support, and leadership, CACFP would not be the program it is today
Cindy Long was appointed Administrator for the Food and Nutrition Service on September 13, 2021. Long most recently served as Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Acting Administrator, and has had extensive experience with FNS, including serving as Deputy Administrator for Child Nutrition Programs. In this role, she led FNS’ implementation of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, the most significant restructuring of these programs in decades and a legislative centerpiece of the Obama-Biden Administration’s nutrition initiatives. Previously, she held various other program management and research positions in FNS