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Procurement Standards for Sponsors & Centers ($)

All federal Child Nutrition Programs, including CACFP, must follow federal “procurement” (or purchasing) requirements. Learn the purpose of these regulations and how to implement them as part of your CACFP food buying practices. The USDA Farm to School Team will also focus on how to properly buy local in compliance with federal requirements.

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Tackling Inflation with Smart Budgeting ($)

With the inflation in food costs, the struggle to purchase foods while staying in a budget can be challenging. But is it possible to buy healthy foods and make delicious meals on a budget? Yes! Learn how to plan, utilize savvy shopping techniques, and receive a budget-friendly 2-week cycle menu along with some recipe ideas to try.

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CACFP Administrative Budgets

Learn tips and best practices on the preparation of an acceptable administrative budget. Topics will include the importance of strategic planning, using historical financial information to develop the budget, determining what expenses are allowable/ unallowable, identifying staffing requirements, how excess administrative funds affect the budget and updating the budget throughout the year.

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Food Access, Family and Procurement in CACFP ($)

Learn how to increase food access through purchasing practices and strategies implemented in the CACFP such as relationship building with co-ops, community supported agriculture, and farmers. We’ll talk about how to plan your purchases following program regulations and guidelines and how to increase family engagement by showing how parents can easily adopt similar strategies and initiatives at home.

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Grant Writing 101 ($)

New to grant writing? Learn how to read and respond to a Request for Proposal when applying for a grant. Get tips on how to write a statement of need, outline measurable objectives and evaluation measures, put together budget justifications.

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Developing a CACFP Budget ($)

Get training on developing a CACFP budget including; hands-on practice on budget forecasting, assessing if a cost is allowable/unallowable and determining when to revise or amend the budget.

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