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Child-Friendly Menu Planning Using Seasonal Foods ($)

Learn how to plan delicious, culturally appropriate, kid-friendly menus using local, seasonal foods. Start with the decision making tree to learn your best options for local purchasing. Learn time-saving tips to prepare fresh menu items. Participate in activities to promote new food to children and support your Farm to ECE Program and check out CACFP-standardized recipes to streamline the menu planning process.

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CACFP and Head Start Food Service Regulations ($)

This training will focus on the performance standards that govern child nutrition and how they align with the CACFP program to provide good nutrition to children in Head Start. Also, learn what’s new in the HS performance standards concerning child nutrition.

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Strategies for Virtual Monitoring in the CACFP

All sponsors are navigating virtual monitoring during the pandemic. Get ideas from small, medium, and large sponsoring organizations on how they are performing reviews and providing technical assistance to their homes and centers.

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Caring for Children While Social Distancing

Get ideas on how to care for children while keeping social distancing in mind including the importance of hand-washing, ways to engage in physical activity while six-feet apart, and craft ideas that are for solo imagineers.

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Offer Versus Serve in the CACFP (Ofrecer Versus Servir en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos)

This webinar focuses on how to use Offer Versus Serve meal service, available and optional for sites that serve at-risk afterschool and adult participants in the CACFP only.

Este seminario web se centra en cómo usar el servicio de comidas Ofrecer Versus Servir, el cual está disponible y es opcional para sitios que sirven después de la escuela en lugares en riesgo o a adultos participantes en el CACFP solamente.

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Menu Planning for the CACFP (Planificacion de comidas para el CACFP)

This webinar focuses on different meal planning techniques that can be used to serve healthy and appealing meals and snacks that meet CACFP and Preschool meal pattern requirements.

Este seminario web se enfoca en diferentes técnicas de planificación de comidas que se pueden utilizar para servir comidas y meriendas saludables y atractivas que cumplen con los requisitos del patrón de comidas para el CACFP y pre-escolares.

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