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Crediting Store-Bought Combination Baby Foods in the CACFP (Acreditación de alimentos combinados para bebés comprados en la tienda en el CACFP)

This webinar will show CACFP operators how to identify store-bought combination baby foods that may be served at reimbursable meals and snacks to infants. Attendees will have a chance to submit questions to the presenters and check their knowledge through interactive polling questions.

Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del CACFP cómo identificar los alimentos combinados para bebés comprados en la tienda que se pueden servir en comidas y meriendas/refrigerios reembolsables para bebés.

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Healthy Eating for Families

Looking for ideas to help promote health and nutrition to the families you serve? We’ll share tips for promoting healthy eating through meal planning.

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Farm to Table: Fresh Foods & Garden Tools

Introducing children to fruits and veggies early has long-term, positive impacts on health, wellness and social and emotional skills. We’re sharing resources to engage kids with fresh foods and garden tools.

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Cultivating Cultural Awareness Through Food ($)

Americans of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds are disproportionately affected by many chronic diseases, highlighting the need for more inclusive dietary messaging. Explore cultural models of healthy eating from around the world, with practical tips, insight, and recipes for diverse populations, with a special focus on Gen Z, and a cooking demonstration.

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Prep to Plate: CACFP Portion Sizes

CACFP portioning can be confusing on paper, and in practice many more questions come up. See correct portion sizes illustrated and get answers to common real-world portioning and service questions. Get tips for the kitchen and find out what tools help compliance and reduce food waste.

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Nutrition and the Brain ($)

Learn about the vital role of nutrition and brain development. Understand specific nutrients essential for brain development and approaches to ensure adequate intake. Examine how hunger impacts physical growth and academic performance as well as the importance of embedding evidenced-based nutrition education as a strategy to improve nutritional status.

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CN Labels & Product Formulation Statements: Hands-On Practice

When should you request a CN Label or PFS? Is the crediting documentation for your product acceptable? Get clarity on common issues related to inaccurate or misleading product documentation. USDA will provide guidance on accepting documentation for meal pattern requirements and share sample Product Formulation Statements and CN Labels. Learn how to assess crediting documentation using sample CN Labels and Product Formulation Statements.

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