Specialty 1
In-Grained: Easy Tools to Determine Serving Amounts (Al grano: herramientas fáciles para determinar las cantidades de porciones)
This webinar focuses on tools that can be used to determine how much of a grain item is needed to meet CACFP meal pattern requirements.
Este seminario web se enfoca en las herramientas que se pueden usar para determinar qué cantidad de granos se necesitan para cumplir con los requisitos del patrón de comidas del CACFP.
Read MoreCrediting Popcorn, Hominy, Corn Masa and Masa Harina in CNPs
The webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information for these foods and provide crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for Popcorn, Hominy, Corn Masa, and Masa Harina.
Read MoreCN Labeling Program: Update for Industry
The webinar will provide an overview of the CN Labeling Program with crediting updates resulting from the Final Rule: Child Nutrition Program Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements and the Request for Information, in addition to crediting technical assistance specifically for the CN Labeling program.
Read MoreServing Vegetables in the CACFP (Servir vegetales en el CACFP)
This webinar will focus on creative and appealing ways to offer vegetables at meals and snacks in the CACFP.
Este seminario web se enfoca en maneras creativas y apetitosas de ofrecer vegetales en comidas y meriendas en el CACFP.
Read MoreAdditional Meat/Meat Alternates Options for CNPs: Crediting Tempeh and Surimi
The webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information and provides crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for tempeh and surimi.
Read MoreCrediting Coconut and Vegetable Noodles in CNPs
This webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information and provides crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for vegetable noodles and coconut.
Read MoreUsing the WIC List to Identify Creditable Foods in the CACFP (Cómo usar la lista de alimentos de WIC para identificar alimentos acreditables en el CACFP)
This webinar will focus on how CACFP operators can use the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) food list to find creditable cereals and whole grain-rich foods to serve as part of a reimbursable meal or snack.
Este seminario web se enfoca en cómo los operadores del Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos (CACFP) pueden usar la lista de alimentos del Programa Especial de Nutrición Suplementaria para Mujeres, Infantes y Niños (WIC, por sus siglas en inglés) para encontrar cereales acreditables y alimentos ricos en grano integral para servir como parte de una comida o una merienda reembolsable.
Read MoreMoving Forward: Update on Food Crediting in CNPs with Guidance for Dried Meat Products
The webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information and provides crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for dried meat products.
Read MoreIdentifying Whole Grain-Rich in the CACFP, Part 2 (Parte 2: Identificar alimentos ricos en grano integral en el CACFP)
This webinar will focus on how CACFP operators can use a food’s ingredient list to identify whole grain-rich items for their menus, with a focus on how to treat flour blends.
Este seminario web se enfoca en cómo los operadores del CACFP pueden usar la lista de ingredientes de un alimento para identificar alimentos ricos en grano integral para sus menús, incluyendo cómo tratar las mezclas de harinas.
Read MoreIdentifying Whole Grain-Rich in the CACFP Using the Ingredient List (Identificar alimentos ricos en grano integral para el CACFP usando la lista de ingredientes)
This webinar will focus on how CACFP operators can use a food’s ingredient list to identify whole grain-rich items for their menus.
Este seminario web se enfoca en cómo los operadores del CACFP pueden usar la lista de ingredientes de un alimento para identificar alimentos ricos en grano integral para sus menús.
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