Specialty 1
Bite-Sized Safety: Preventing Choking Hazards ($)
Children under the age of 4 are at high risk of choking while eating, as they’re still learning to chew properly and often swallow food whole. With their small airways easily blocked, it’s crucial to understand the risks posed by certain foods. Learn which foods to avoid or modify to reduce reducing choking hazards, which creates a safer meal time environment.
Identify common food-related choking hazards and understand the developmental reasons young children are at higher risk of choking.
Learn effective prevention strategies for minimizing choking risks in everyday situations, including proper food preparation and supervision.
Flavorful Cooking Using Herbs and Spices ($)
Tired of using the same seasonings for your meals? Enhance your culinary skills and create delicious, nutritious meals using a variety of herbs and spices. Get creative and learn how to develop your own DIY seasoning blends and what food pairs well with certain herbs and spices. Receive new recipe ideas to add to your menu.
Read MoreAdapting Menus for Special Diets ($)
Are you wondering how to navigate food allergies and create safe meals for the children in your care while participating in the CACFP? Learn the differences between various types of special diets and how to prepare these foods to meet CACFP guidelines. Know what a meal modification is, how to serve modified meals, and how to navigate through meal modification scenarios.
Read MoreWinter Wellness: Nurturing Immune Health in Kids ($)
Brace yourselves for the winter as chilly winds bring along the symphony of sniffles and coughs. Get ahead and help prevent colds and flus by giving an extra boost of health to those in your care through providing immune-supporting nutritional foods and activities. Learn how to convert your child care center and family child care home into a fortress of wellness by adding delicious recipes to your menu and fun games to keep their bodies in top working order.
Read MoreChoose Breakfast Cereals That Are Lower in Added Sugars
This webinar highlights the added sugars limit for breakfast cereals and how to identify cereals that meets this limit.
Read MoreMedical Statements, Milk Substitutions & Special Diets ($)
Have you ever received a parent’s or doctor’s note describing a meal modification or substitution to serve a child or adult in your care? Maybe you have felt confused or overwhelmed on how to modify the menu to ensure foods are safe to serve to a participant with a disability.
Read MoreChoose Yogurts That Are Lower in Added Sugars
This webinar will highlight the new added sugars limit for yogurt and how to identify yogurt that meets this limit.
Read MoreSabor y Cultura: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month, recognized September 15th – October 15th, is a wonderful time to learn more about the rich history and diversity of the Hispanic and Latino communities. Celebrate with us by discovering new recipes, learning the history behind beloved dishes, and engaging in fun, educational activities.
Read MoreGreat Grains! Taking the Guess Work Out of What’s Creditable ($)
Serving whole grain-rich grains once per day, when grains are served, in ounce equivalents is a requirement in the CACFP. Explore various types of whole grains like amaranth, sorghum, and millet to expand your menu planning options. Learn how to determine ounce equivalency, how to identify whole grains, how to modify meals using these great grains, and how to prepare these for CACFP creditable recipes.
Read MoreMotivating Children to Eat Healthy Foods ($)
Getting children to choose healthy food options can be a challenge. Learn imaginative ways to involve them with foods to foster healthy eating habits. Through interactive discussions, tweaking CACFP creditable recipes and encouraging creative food explorations, CACFP operators can help children discover the excitement of making nutritious choices.
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