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Mealtimes with Toddlers (La hora de la comida con los niños de 1 a 2 años de edad en el CACFP)

This webinar will include practical tips for how CACFP operators can meet meal pattern requirements while addressing a toddler’s developmental needs.

Este seminario web incluye consejos prácticos sobre cómo los operadores del CACFP pueden cumplir con los requisitos del patrón de comidas, mientas atienden las necesidades de desarrollo de un niño pequeño de 1 a 2 años de edad.

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Caring for Children While Social Distancing

Get ideas on how to care for children while keeping social distancing in mind including the importance of hand-washing, ways to engage in physical activity while six-feet apart, and craft ideas that are for solo imagineers.

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A Look Inside the New CACFP Trainer’s Tools: Feeding Infants Kit

This webinar provides an interactive overview of Team Nutrition’s new resource, the CACFP Trainer’s Tools: Feeding Infants Kit. This kit includes a trainer’s guide, presentation slides and trainer notes, videos, and digital interactive games. Hear how these components help trainers deliver information on hot topics like developmental readiness, hunger and fullness signs, handling and storing breastmilk and infant formula, and much more!

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Grain-Based Desserts in the CACFP (Postres a base de granos en el CACFP)

This webinar will focus on how Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) operators can identify grain-based desserts, and use this knowledge to plan menus that meet program requirements.

Este seminario web se enfoca en cómo los operadores del CACFP pueden usar la lista de ingredientes de los alimentos para identificar postres a base de granos, y usar este conocimiento para planificar menús que cumplan con los requisitos del programa.

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Exhibit A Grains Tool to the Rescue!

Learn about the Exhibit A Grains Tool, a feature included with the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs Interactive Web-Based Tool. The Exhibit A Grains Tool allows you to search for your grain product (as listed on Exhibit A) and enter in the serving size from the product label. The tool then helps you determine: 1) ounce equivalent (oz eq) grains or grains/bread serving(s) for the grain product, and 2) amount to serve to provide your desired grains contribution. In this webinar, Team Nutrition also provided in-depth practice for using the grains tool as well as highlighting the available training video. Participants can also experience the Exhibit A Grains Tool on the Mobile App. Program operators can calculate the grain contributions on-the-go.

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CN Labeling Program: Update for Industry

The webinar will provide an overview of the CN Labeling Program with crediting updates resulting from the Final Rule: Child Nutrition Program Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements and the Request for Information, in addition to crediting technical assistance specifically for the CN Labeling program.

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Delivering Interactive In-Person Training

This webinar will spotlight interactive approaches used by the Maryland State Department of Education and the Texas Department of Agriculture to actively engage participants during in-person CACFP trainings.

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