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Grain Ounce Equivalents Tools for CACFP Operators (Recursos sobre las onzas equivalentes de granos para operadores del CACFP)

This webinar highlighted resources, training materials, and frequently asked questions related to using ounce equivalents for grains.

Este seminario web muestra a los operadores del CACFP. Este seminario muestra diferentes herramientas para implementar las onzas equivalentes de granos que los operadores del Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos (CACFP) pueden usar para planificar comidas en sus sitios.

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More on Meal Patterns

We’re here to clarify your meal pattern questions! At this free training, we will answer commonly asked questions, show how to access training from USDA Team Nutrition, and explore online resources.

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Completing Claims Like Clockwork

Learn the CACFP best practices for the submission of accurate claims for the reimbursements of meals. Identify management practices that adversely impact claims and help ensure that providers are getting reimbursed for the meals that they are serving.

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Ounce Equivalents for Grains: No Weigh!

Team Nutrition has several resources and tools to help CACFP operators transition to grains ounce equivalents – no food scales required! Receive hands-on training and leave with a menu of options for successful implementation. Download the Food Buying Guide (FBG) before watching this session.

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All About Policy

Emergency funding, child nutrition reauthorization, policy waivers and more! Hear what’s going on nationally and how it could affect you locally.

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Baby Steps: Ounce Equivalents for Grains and Infants

Get ready to use ounce equivalents to determine the amount of grains to serve to infants in the CACFP! Learn about the requirement going into effect on October 1, 2021 and tools that make implementation easier. Participants will leave this session knowing how much cereal, crackers, and bread are needed to meet meal pattern requirements for infants.

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USDA National Breastfeeding Promotion and Support Campaign for Millennial WIC Moms

Get an overview of USDA’s campaign, which supports breastfeeding moms with comprehensive, current and culturally appropriate messaging, materials, and a website. Campaign goals encourage initiation and continuation of breastfeeding; increase knowledge and ability to breastfeed; increase referrals to WIC; and provide technical assistance in the promotion of breastfeeding.

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Serving Adults in the CACFP: Meal Patterns, Nutrition and Resources

Serving adults in the CACFP is more than just increasing the portion size of the meal pattern requirements. Learn about allowable substitutions, get insight into senior nutrition and healthy, and discover the wealth of resources available for free about food, nutrition, and physical activities for older adults.

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