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FRAC Research Funding Opportunity

FRAC has announced a Request for Proposal (RFP) for subgrants for its Equitable Access in Child Nutrition Programs project, supported by funding through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (USDA FNS). Submit your CACFP proposal by October 3, 2023, at 11:59pm ET.

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Child Care Supports Academic Achievement and Physical Health

A study published in March of 2023, examines the impact of child care on the dietary quality of young children, as well as portrays the need for a more inclusive definition of ‘child care.’ Access to high-quality care supports the academic and social development of your children and is important for all families to reduce socioeconomic disparities.

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Child Nutrition Program Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In May 2023, the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) published a report focused on Child Nutrition Program (CNP) operations during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, March through September 2020, including information on the nationwide waivers that FNS approved for use during that period.

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Barriers and Facilitators of Center-Based ECE Program Participation in the CACFP

In April 2023, the Indiana University CACFP Project Team published a study on the barriers, facilitators, and potential strategies to address center-based participation in the CACFP. One of the key barriers to participation shared by study participants included the cumbersome CACFP paperwork. Facilitators to participation included supports provided by stakeholders and sponsors.

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Fruit, Vegetable, and Sugar Sweetened Beverage Intake Among Children

In February 2023, the CDC released state-level data on fruit, vegetable, and sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) intake among young children. The data was collected through a 2021 national survey in which respondents were asked three questions about children aged 1–5 years regarding the frequency of consuming fruits, vegetables, and sugar-sweetened beverages during the preceding week. The report found that many young children between ages 1 and 5 years old are not eating fruits and vegetables each day and are regularly drinking SSBs.

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Experiences of Early Child Care and Education Operators During the Pandemic

Female child care provider leaning over a table helping children with craft.

In December 2022, the Indiana University CACFP Project Team released a report describing the child nutrition and care provision experiences among early care and education (ECE) stakeholders, sponsors, and center directors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was conducted in four states and a variety of ECE stakeholders participated. The study identifies six common experiences among ECE stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Facilitators and Barriers to FCCH Enrollment in CACFP

Female Family Child Care Home provider sits in a circle with young children playing with toy building blocks

In December 2022, the Indiana University CACFP Project Team released a report describing the facilitators and barriers to CACFP participation by family child care homes (FCCHs). The report concludes with suggestions for potential strategies to promote participation in the CACFP by FCCHs. The study was conducted in two states, Arizona and New York, that have varying levels of CACFP participation. The study outlines the facilitators and barriers to FCCHs’ enrollment in CACFP and recommends a few strategies to increase participation.

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Study of Nutrition and Activity in CACFP

Image grid of 4 photos. One with a young woman handing orange slices to a little girl. One of a mother feeding her toddler a banana, One of a smiling child holding a platter of fruits, and one of a table set for a child's meal.

In October 2021 the USDA released a report on the Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings (SNACS), which is the first nationally representative, comprehensive assessment of the CACFP.

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Barriers to CACFP Participation

Front page of study, named Providing Meals in Early Childhood Settings with image of a young boy eating a snack and smiling

Back to Blog Back to Blog Barriers to CACFP Participation December 2, 2022 Providing Meals in Early Childhood Settings report Hunger Free Vermont conducted a statewide survey of early childhood programs in late 2021, seeking to understand what barriers early childhood providers face when it comes to providing food to program participants. The Providing Meals…

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