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A Safety Net Unraveling: Feeding Young Children During COVID-19

The study proposes critical steps to repair our nation’s fragile ECE system, including greater investment in CACFP, to ensure the nutrition, health, and development of young children during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Taking steps to fix our previous underinvestment in these areas is essential for the nation’s future and recovery from the pandemic.

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What is Child Nutrition Reauthorization?

A brown wood gavel sits on a white table beside a white keyboard.

Every five years, Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) provides Congress with an opportunity to improve and strengthen the child nutrition and school meal programs. It hasn’t happened since 2010. What does that mean for us?

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Response to Tragedy

We agree with Elmo’s dad. “There is never a good reason to hurt others. Everyone, everywhere deserves to feel safe.”

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