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Kicking Off NCNC23: Monday Recap

The Monday of conference week is a sort of calm before the storm, but there is still so much to do for our attendees who arrived today! We loved meeting with everybody at the registration desks and seeing what states our attendees were coming from. We are welcoming over 1,700 people onsite in San Diego.

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Fruit, Vegetable, and Sugar Sweetened Beverage Intake Among Children

In February 2023, the CDC released state-level data on fruit, vegetable, and sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) intake among young children. The data was collected through a 2021 national survey in which respondents were asked three questions about children aged 1–5 years regarding the frequency of consuming fruits, vegetables, and sugar-sweetened beverages during the preceding week. The report found that many young children between ages 1 and 5 years old are not eating fruits and vegetables each day and are regularly drinking SSBs.

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