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Food Safety in Child Care

Take a deep dive into the proper safety protocols that allow for peace of mind in your kitchen. Prepare yourself with the skills to become a protective force by exploring the four key concepts of the USDA Fight BAC program: Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill. Developed specifically for childcare providers in the CACFP environment, it provides four hours of face-to-face food safety training. 

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CACFP Meal Pattern Training

Are you just starting out with the CACFP? Start your week off with a deep dive into the core fundamentals of the food program. Learn about the meal patterns and the five food components served in the CACFP, as well as tips and strategies for implementation in your operations.

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Infant Meal Pattern Requirements

Infants experience rapid changes in the brain and body making it important to ensure they receive proper nutrition regularly. Discover updated requirements for serving infants based on their growth and development. Explore updates to the infant meal pattern, as well as tips and strategies for implementation.

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Introduction to Happy Mealtimes in Child Care Settings

Mealtimes are important for young children because they provide opportunities for them to learn new skills and develop eating habits. The first three years are the most critical time in a person’s life because the brain grows the fastest during this period and children are more receptive to acquiring these proficiencies. Learn best practices for creating positive and safe mealtime environments for young children to carry into adulthood

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Hydroponic Gardening: Innovative Farm to Plate

Are you wanting to introduce students to gardening but have no space? Learn about hydroponic nutrition and how students can grow plants indoors without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions through hands-on activities. Venture into this interactive learning experience, connecting science, nutrition, and environmental responsibility, and empower them to use innovative, sustainable agriculture.

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Feeding Communities: From Planning to Serving Summer Meals

What does it take to feed children over the summer months? A lot of preparation comes before launching your summer food program. Uncover the month-by-month tasks that will help you be successful with the SFSP, from reaching out to previous sites to bidding to hiring to paperwork and so much more!

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Incorporating Fresh Vegetables into Plates, Play & Physical Activity

Vegetables are not inherently exciting to children. Gain tips and resources for introducing veggie variations on the plate in a fun, playful way while fostering physical activity through gardening and harvesting techniques. Learn how to leverage community partners, outsource with local produce producers, and create backyard gardens to increase access to healthy food sources. 

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Nourishing Futures: Trends, Menus & Engagement Strategies

Explore how evolving student preferences and innovative strategies transform programs into nourishment and engagement tools. Understand how trends, like low-sugar options and kid-friendly vegetarian and plant-based meals, fuel growth and development. Learn why Whitsons’ Simply Boxed recipes offer convenient, nutritious solutions to support performance and focus during after-school activities.

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Building a Regulation-Ready Breakfast presented by General Mills

Up your breakfast game by ensuring your menus are meal pattern-ready for the future! Get tips and tricks for incorporating whole grains at breakfast, making it easy to meet the whole grain-rich requirement and determining grain-ounce equivalency. Additionally, learn how to navigate the added sugar standards for breakfast cereal and yogurt beginning October 2025.

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