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Sowing Seeds of Impact: USDA Farm to School Grants

Interested in applying for a Farm to School grant but don’t know where to start? Learn the requirements and how to apply for the Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program Grant. Hear from the awardees of this prestigious grant as they share their application process, how they made themselves stand out, and ways they implemented the grant in their program.

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Civil Rights 101: Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements

The session will address the Civil Rights training requirements as outlined in FNS Instruction 113-1, Civil Rights Compliance and Enforcement – Nutrition Programs and Activities. State agency staff who interact with program applicants, participants and potentially eligible individuals and those persons who supervise front line staff must receive annual Civil Rights training. This session will fulfill this requirement.

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Growing Healthy Foundations: Farm to ECE Made Easy

Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) is not limited to traditional farming practices but includes everyday tasks that contribute to children’s learning and development. Explore how simple actions, like buying local produce and promoting healthy eating, align with learning standards for children aged 0-5. Discover how you may already be integrating Farm to ECE into your daily routine. 

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Fostering a Positive Work Culture

A positive workplace is critical to staff engagement and success. Learn how to foster a sense of connectedness and acceptance within your team. Gain valuable tools to identify employee strengths, encourage a practice of gratitude, and teach the value of collaboration.

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Procurement Standards for Sponsors & Centers

In the CACFP, there are guidelines for the procurement of foods, supplies, equipment and other goods and services. Learn when you need to follow specific federal procurement regulations, what they are, and how to execute successful procurement measures in the CACFP.

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Connecting Nutrition with Family Engagement

Partnering with families is an essential piece in the promotion of nutrition education initiatives. Discover creative ways to build family enthusiasm around healthy nutrition habits and learn how to provide them with the tools they need to adopt those habits long term.

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Enriching Learning Outdoors with Farm to ECE

Wondering how to make broccoli more tasty, bring the classroom outdoors, and achieve early learned standards by counting caterpillars? Farm to ECE programs are innovative, evidence-based approaches that give young children increased opportunities to learn about nutrition and agriculture, exposure to local produce, and hands-on learning through gardening.

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Investigating Fraud, Waste & Abuse in Federally Funded Programs

Gain insight on investigating allegations of non-compliance in the CACFP and SFSP. Learn how to identify red flags during a monitoring review and take home interview techniques, sampling methodologies, and best practices which have been instrumental in identifying fraud, waste, and abuse in federally funded programs.

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An Adventure Through MyPlate Resources

Take an adventure with the MyPlate team and discover new MyPlate resources and tools in an interactive, hands-on learning experience. From tip sheets to graphics, digital tools to healthy, budget-friendly recipes, as well as translated materials, these user-friendly resources make providing nutrition education easier with the help of MyPlate.

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