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Fueling Minds and Bodies with Family-Style Dining

Unlock a world of learning opportunities during mealtimes at Head Start sites through Family Style dining. Equip your staff with an understanding of the performance regulations surrounding this meal service model, empowering them to create enriching experiences. Get practical guidance on aligning meal service with academic goals while ensuring compliance with CACFP and Head Start regulations.

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Emergency Preparedness in Head Start

The pandemic taught us to always be one step ahead and prepared for the unknown. Discover ways to integrate emergency preparedness and planning into your facility operation plans while including all departments. Practice writing your own emergency plans to support your program and outline your next steps. ~

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Combating Resistance: Uniting Education Staff and Nutrition Teams

“Oh, the kids don’t like that!”, “The kids aren’t getting enough food”, “That’s not the way we used to do it!” Ever heard any of these statements when trying to get your education staff on board with the nutrition team? Examine why there might be a disconnect and learn how to get all your staff on the same team.

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CACFP and Head Start Food Service Regulations

We will focus on the performance standards that govern child nutrition and how they align with the CACFP to provide good nutrition to children in Head Start. Also, learn what is new in the HS performance standards concerning child nutrition.

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Quizapalooza: Are You a Meal Pattern Super Star?

Think you know the meal pattern like the back of your hand? From food components to required serving sizes to substitutions and variations of the meal pattern by age groups, there is so much more to know beyond the basics. Test your knowledge, or learn something new, as we review a wide range of meal pattern topics through polls and interactive learning!

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Snack Attack: Elevate Your Snack Game

Day in and day out, the same snacks are being served. You’ve been longing to elevate your snack game, but you’re lacking ideas. Next up on the menu: snacks, snacks, and more snacks! Hit reset on your menus with some fresh snack tips and recipe ideas. Get creative and add something exciting to the plate for you and the children in your care.

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Limiting Added Sugars in the CACFP

You’ve heard about the health effects that added sugars can have on our bodies, but did you know that most young children consume more than the recommended amounts? Added sugars can be sneaky and are often lurking in places that you may not normally expect. Learn to help the children in your care meet the recommendations set forth by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

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Beyond Beginners: Next Level Menu Planning

Navigating the complexities of developing a CACFP menu can often be overwhelming and confusing. What crucial information should you include on the menu to be in compliance? Do you include ounce equivalency, serving size, or both!? Moreover, are there specific documents you should maintain while planning your menu? Learn how to create menus stress-free while meeting CACFP requirements.

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Menu Planning 101: A Guide to Mealtime Success

Navigating the complexities of developing a creditable CACFP menu can often be overwhelming and confusing. What crucial information should you include on the menu to be in compliance? What details should you include on the menu? Learn how to create menus stress-free while meeting CACFP requirements as we guide you through the process. Get confidence and clarity in your menu development endeavors.

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