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A Fresh Take on Water in the CACFP

Thirsting for more ways to incorporate water in your program? Refresh your knowledge of the CACFP requirements and best practices which support healthy hydration. Learn about opportunities and policy updates which help you advocate for clean and accessible water.

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Elevate Program Compliance with CenterPilot

Are you paying first class prices for coach experience? Fly through your paperwork with our web based/mobile application! Our first class cabin serves a full course of CACFP management tools allowing you to fully manage your program operations. Learn how to save hours of staff time while staying effortlessly compliant.

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Make Every Bite Count with the Dietary Guidelines

When it comes to feeding infants and toddlers – every bite counts! Learn the most up-to-date dietary guideline recommendations, what they mean for food choices in the CACFP program, and how you can support healthy eating for infants and toddlers in your care. Get expert tips for answering parent questions.

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STEM in the Kitchen

Wondering how to introduce children to STEM in the kitchen? Learn basic principles with fun hands-on experiments designed to introduce children to the scientific process. Get resources to implement STEM concepts using household tools and age-appropriate tasks to make connections to a young child’s real world.

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Storytelling to Promote Healthy Eating Habits

How can storytelling foster healthy eating for children? Early care settings are one of the best places to help children build a healthy living foundation. Explore a series of storytelling techniques designed to encourage children to eat healthier to prevent childhood obesity. Learn how to use a wide variety of literature along with felts, puppets, props and other techniques to inspire children to eat healthy.

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Ideas and Strategies to Make Mealtimes More Enjoyable

Expectations can set us up for success or failure, chaos or calm. There is a lot to manage at mealtimes; child preferences, nutrition guidelines, emotions, spills and more. Learn how to implement strategies that lead you and your children towards more fun, calm and safe mealtimes. Explore mealtime together and identify resources, ideas, and expectations that will benefit both you and the children you serve.

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Gardening Activities for Every Classroom

Ready to grow? Explore the many benefits of gardening with the children in your care. Learn about indoor and outdoor gardening activities to try in your classrooms. A love of gardening and dirt are not required.

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