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Catering to Rural and Urban Sites

Rural and urban sites can look very different in terms of operations, populations served and available resources. Get insight on how to address the challenges and implement best practices that come with serving both rural and urban sites for Afterschool Meals and Summer Food Service.

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Toolkit for Successful Summer Meals

Is there a place you would like to provide meals but it doesn’t look friendly? Worried about weather, transportation or attendance? Wondering how to engage diverse youth to increase attendance at new sites? Learn how to grow your Summer Meals program or how to get started for the first time.

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Summer Meals: Reflections and Promising Practices

How we think, plan, and operate summer meals programs has changed dramatically over the last few years. Hear from Out-of-School Time Meals Champions as they share their experiences, lessons learned, and promising practices. Discover how summer meal programs will continue to adapt to the ever-changing need and landscape and how programs can learn to better serve their communities.

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Summer Meal Program Success

Summer meal programs reach children who need good nutrition when school is out of session. Get tips to improve your program to keep children fed during the summer months and discover innovative ways to strengthen your organization.

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Serving Summer Meals Where the Kids Are

Serving summer meals to the kids who need them, the ones who are often in the most hard to reach places, is critically important. Discover ways to overcome the barriers and challenges that prevent the most vulnerable from accessing meals and how to become the connecting agency for meals.

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Meal Innovations: Maximize Labor and Mitigate Supply Chain Issues

Learn creative ways to maximize your labor and food resources to ensure great participation in your Summer Food Program. Get great ideas on how to package individual items, an entire meal or create a weekly meal box. Take home creative menu ideas requiring minimal labor and suggestions to resolve supply chain issues.

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Finding and Meeting Community Needs Through Porch Visits

Page County’s Porch Visit Program combines food delivery with one-on-one weekly conversations outside each participant’s residence. Porch Visitors assist households by building relationships, making connections, and increasing food security. Learn how one community has leveraged cross-sector collaboration to reach their most vulnerable community members.

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Reaching Rural and Tribal Communities

Learn about the innovative Freeze and Thaw model that has been successful in overcoming barriers to serve rural and tribal communities in Arizona. Discover how we implemented the monthly delivery of bulk products so children in afterschool programs have access to supper meals and the benefits of starting this model at your sites.

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Impacts of Afterschool Meals

Learn how providers help families understand the nutritional value and quality of foods through Afterschool Meals. Discover ways that you can assist children that may not receive meals once they leave your site.

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