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Working with Difficult People

Not everyone communicates in the same way. Often we don’t understand when others do not communicate like us and we can feel hurt and frustrated. Understanding how others communicate and why is essential to working successfully with others.

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Maintaining Employee Engagement & Organizational Support Remotely

Working from home became a widely used resource for agencies and organizations to maintain stability and productivity within the workplace during the pandemic. Yet, where are we now? What obstacles are we now faced with as a result of such flexibilities? What responsibilities are organizations now faced with when considering operational oversight, employee well-being and engagement, and agility?

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Small Tweaks, Giant Peaks: Reframing Your Mindset

Are you feeling burnt out or unmotivated? Learn skills to reframe your mindset to create your best self and get strategies to help you find success. Whatever your roles and responsibilities entail, these best practices will help you level up and prepare for the future.

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Fostering a Positive Work Culture

A positive workplace is critical to staff engagement and success. Learn how to foster a sense of connectedness and acceptance within your team. Gain valuable tools to identify employee strengths, encourage a practice of gratitude, and teach the value of collaboration.

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Customer Service Skills in the CACFP

Great customer service improves your client satisfaction, participant numbers and employee morale. Learn how to identify your customers and get best practices to overcome verbal and non-verbal communication barriers to help your CACFP program. Learn to model principles of customer service while improving interaction with your stakeholders.

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Breaking Down Tasks for Successful CACFP Sites

Are your child care center staff overwhelmed by their CACFP duties? Need help implementing daily tasks for your sites? Practice creating a task management guideline that will give your staff clear and concise guidance. Discuss what steps need to be executed and how to pinpoint a breakdown in communication.

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Be Prepared & Plan Ahead: Steps for Emergency Preparedness

Learn how child care centers can prepare for handling emergency situations including internal threats, external threats, and natural disasters. Understand how to plan for emergency situations before they occur so your staff can respond quickly and effectively when an emergency happens. 

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Accountability & Leadership

Understand the power of recognition, learn how to give great feedback and build a team that trusts. Get a list of guiding principles that create a culture of collaboration and accountability. Discover how looking at the big picture can help with the small stuff in your workplace.

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