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Healthier CACFP Gold Award: Promoting Best Practices

Establishing the Three Es (education, exercise, eating right) is a grant opportunity provided by TDA to promote better health and nutrition to prevent obesity among children. Learn how past participants worked with community organizations to implement healthier menus, farm fresh projects, nutrition education, and how they increased physical activity.

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Creating a Successful At-Risk Afterschool Meal Program

Learn how a small inner-city non-profit organization with no previous experience created a successful At-Risk Afterschool Meal Program. Leave with the keys to developing public and private partnerships, creating a super staff, building community value and providing amazing meals.

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Investigating Fraud, Waste & Abuse in Federally Funded Programs

Gain insight on investigating allegations of non-compliance in the CACFP and SFSP. Learn how to identify red flags during a monitoring review and take home interview techniques, sampling methodologies, and best practices which have been instrumental in identifying fraud, waste, and abuse in federally funded programs.

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Grant Writing 101

New to grant writing? Learn how to read and respond to a Request for Proposal when applying for a grant. Get tips on how to write a statement of need, outline measurable objectives and evaluation measures, and put together budget justifications.

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Policies and Procedures for CACFP Success

Policies and procedures are the fundamental foundation of a successful CACFP Organization. Learn the pitfalls of policies and procedures, receive a template to write better policies and practice writing actual policies. Attendees will walk away with a step-by-step guide to train on improved CACFP management and administration for better organizational success.

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Nonprofit Board Recruitment and Development

What makes an effective board member and how do you find one? Join us for a look at how to recruit high-quality board members. Get an overview of what constitutes an effective board and how to develop strategies to make each board member an effective contributor and supporter of your organization. Leave with sample recruitment letter, sample job description and networking strategies.

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Developmentally Appropriate Practices and Diversity in Early Education

Many educators are often stumped with how to make diversity and inclusion education work within their programs. Understand the importance of diversity in education and how to use developmentally appropriate practices when addressing diversity and education with children and their families to make a lasting and positive difference.

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Taking the Paper Out of CACFP Paperwork

Are you tired of keeping track of CACFP paperwork? What if we told you we could cut the time you spend on paperwork in half? Join us to learn how KidKare by Minute Menu solves the CACFP paper problem—by taking all the CACFP paperwork and reporting digital. Whether you sponsor homes, centers, or both, we have a solution for you. With 30 years of experience, we are continuing to make CACFP easier and more manageable. Join us to learn how we can help you!

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CACFP Training Program & Nutrition Calendar

Where else can you find nutrition information, CACFP best practices, table crafts, physical activities, business tips, provider training modules, parent provider connection letters, child care curriculum, and record keeping all in one place? NCA’s Nutrition Calendar & Training Program is perfect for providers, centers and afterschool sites. The 56-page calendar record keeping system and 5-hour training program is available in bulk for less than $4 per provider.

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