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CACFP Regulations & Guidance

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Q&A on Updated Meal Pattern Requirements

March 10, 2017

A summary of changes to the meal pattern with an emphasis on changes to the infant meal pattern.

Offer Versus Serve and Family Style Meals

December 9, 2016

Revised meal patterns have extended Offer Versus Serve into the adult day care and At-Risk Afterschool settings of the CACFP.

Value of USDA Donated Foods for Audits

December 2, 2016

This memo sought to clarify how the value of USDA Donated Food Commodities were calculated in determining the need for an audit as well as where a program fits in the various child nutrition programs.

Area Eligibility in Child Nutrition Programs

December 1, 2016

This is a summary of the FNS memo that clarifies the increased streamlining of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the CACFP.

Purchasing Using Cooperative Agreements, Agents and Third-Party Services

October 19, 2016

This is a summary of two general reminders outlining the types of procurement program operators are able to use, as well as how to utilize each group in compliance with Federal regulations.