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Teddy Bear Smoothie

Teddy Bear Smoothie

Breakfast/Snack Crediting for Ages 3-5

Total Time

5 minutes

Serving Size

3/4 cup



meat and fruit


Meat/Meat Alternate, Fruit


  • 2.25 pounds strawberries, sliced
  • 3 bananas
  • 3 cups Greek yogurt


Make sure your yogurt is #CACFPCreditable!

Click here to learn how to identify sugar limits.


  1. Add strawberries, 2 bananas and yogurt to a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. On a clear cup, draw with a food safe marker a teddy bear face (eyes, nose, mouth). Add two slices of banana to the rim of the cup to be "teddy bear ears."
  3. Pour cold smoothie into the cup and serve.

3/4 cup provides 1/2 oz eq meat alternate and 1/2 cup fruit

Creditable Stamp 2017