Program Administration & Operations Track | CEU Specialty 2 | Beginner
Fundamentals of CACFP Child Care Monitoring
Learn about pre-visit preparation steps, what to look for while on-site (such as adherence to meal patterns, meal counting, documentation, and civil rights requirements), record retention requirements, and follow-up activities. Recorded on form H1606 in Texas, this tool may be modified for use by other states and as a guide for any sponsoring organizations.
- See what needs to be done before, during, and after a monitoring visit.
- Discover on-site evaluation observation criteria.
- Understand requirements for retaining records and procedures for post-site visits.
Presented by

Kimberly Friedman
TDA F&N Administrative Review Specialist, Texas Department of Agriculture

Janeen Carter
TDA F&N Assistant Director, Community Operations, Texas Department of Agriculture
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