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April 14-18, 2025

Dallas, Texas

CACFP · Afterschool Meals · Summer Food

Nutrition Education Track | CEU Specialty 1 | Intermediate

Gluten Found: Why Cross-Contact Can’t Be Ignored

If your facility serves few clients with celiac disease (CeD) or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), does it matter if you use the same cutting board for gluten-free (GF) and regular food? Managing gluten exposure can feel burdensome, but has significant health impacts. Explore the effects of continuous low-level gluten exposure, how to improve kitchen practices, and cross-contact preventative strategies.

  1. Investigate diagnostic criteria for CeD and NCGS and potential complications.
  2. Discover differences between cross-contact and cross-contamination.
  3. Learn how to optimize kitchen workflow management to support making gluten-free meals.

Presented by

Erix Zimmerman Web

Erix Zimmerman, MS, RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Heart Spirit Nutrition

Early Registration Rates

$519 Members | $629 Non-Members

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