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Meal Pattern Minute: Gluten-Free Whole Grains

October 25, 2024

We have identified what gluten is and recognize that many grain ingredients in your Child and Adults Care Food Program menu contain wheat, barley, rye, or a hybrid grain containing one of those three grains. So, you’re trying to find replacement grains and try to focus on incorporating whole grain-rich grains as well to provide optional nutrition. Are there whole grain-rich grains that are gluten-free?

Get the facts in this Meal Pattern Minute with Isabel Ramos-Lebron, MS, RDN, LD, as she lists creditable gluten-free whole grain-rich grains that can be served in the CACFP.

Looking for more information on grains? See below for more resources.

  • Meal Pattern Minute: Gluten
  • Identifying Grain Ingredients
    • A list of whole grains is listed in this resource, however, keep in mind it is not a complete list. Gluten-free grains on this handout are amaranth, buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, sorghum, oat, teff, and corn. Check out which forms of each of these grains are creditable in the CACFP.
    • In addition to the grains listed above, corn masa is also considered gluten free and whole grain-rich. Make sure to check the ingredient list to ensure it is gluten-free. See the Meal Pattern Minute question, “Is corn masa creditable in the CACFP?” 
  • On-Demand Webinar: Great Grains! Taking the Guess Work Out of What's Creditable 
    • Serving whole grain-rich grains once per day, when grains are served, in ounce equivalents is a requirement in the CACFP. Explore various types of whole grains like amaranth, sorghum, and millet to expand your menu planning options. Learn how to determine ounce equivalency, how to identify whole grains, how to modify meals using these great grains, and how to prepare these for CACFP creditable recipes. Includes a handout with gluten-free recipes to try.

Get inspired and try one of these gluten-free recipes below. As a reminder, double check ingredients list for all processed products such as vegetable broth, meatballs, and breakfast cereals.

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