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April 14-18, 2025

Dallas, Texas

CACFP · Afterschool Meals · Summer Food

Shop Talks

These are small group conversations to share stories, learn from each other and connect with professionals who are facing the same challenges and opportunities that you encounter. Shop talks are included in your conference registration.


Apoyando a los operadores con los recursos de Team Nutrition

Únase a esta sesión en español para conocer a Team Nutrition y sus recursos que apoyan a los programas de nutrición infantil ofreciendo capacitación, asistencia técnica y educación nutricional. ~CEU Specialty 1

Facilitated by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service


Connecting Nutrition with Family Engagement

Partnering with families is an essential piece in the promotion of nutrition education initiatives. Discover creative ways to build family enthusiasm around healthy nutrition habits particularly valuable within the Head Start framework. Learn how to provide them with the tools they need to adopt those habits long-term. ~CEU Specialty 1

Facilitated by: Valerie Glee, CCNP, Coastal Plain Area EOA


Enhancing Your SFSP Rural Non-Congregate Ship to Home

Recent federal regulations have significantly reshaped distribution models in rural communities by allowing meals to be delivered directly to children’s homes. Share or listen to best practices for ensuring children have access to food this way. ~CEU Specialty 8

Facilitated by: Brian Wieher, SNS, Ujima Hunger Coalition


Follow the Seed

Bring hands-on experience to your nutrition programming by giving students the knowledge of seed processing and plant cultivation. Discover how providing awareness of where our food comes from, self-sustaining practices, and seed-saving knowledge connects everybody to the cycle of seed development. Be a seed keeper! ~CEU Specialty 1

Facilitated by: Eva Schwartz, MA, Outdoor Nurture Inc


Food Swamps, Mirages, and Keeping Healthy Lifestyles

Are your Head Start families in a food swamp, inundated with cheap, unhealthy foods without access to healthier options? Or a food mirage, where the food is too expensive for those that live there? Let’s brainstorm how to encourage healthy living. ~CEU Specialty 1

Facilitated by: Celena Akens, Clare Swan Early Learning Center


Household Contacts: Getting the Guardian's Attention

How do you grab parent or guardian attention to get the information you need to validate claims in a timely, efficient manner? Come prepared to exchange ideas and share tips on what has worked well and how you can overcome communication challenges. ~CEU Specialty 2

Facilitated by: Joanne Norman, CCNP, CMP, Providers Choice


Making Provider Training Exciting

We know the topics we are required to cover, but what else can you add to make training the best for your family home child care providers? Share ideas that promote excitement and engagement that make your providers look forward to annual training. ~CEU Specialty 3

Facilitated by: Della Stocks, CMP, Nutrition Plus, Inc.


More Plants on Plates: How to Introduce More Options in Schools

Discuss the growing demand for plant-based meals in school nutrition programs and discover their health benefits. Whether you’re just beginning to explore plant-based options or looking to expand an existing program, talk about the resources and confidence needed to take the next steps toward a healthier, more sustainable future for your students. ~CEU Specialty 2

Facilitated by: Michelle Saletan, Balanced


Nutrition Activities in the Head Start Classroom: Working Session

Attendees of today's workshop, Nutrition Activities in the Head Start Classroom, are welcomed to a roundtable discussion to collaborate with peers on nutrition activities that can be used to promote healthy eating among Head Start students. ~CEU Specialty 1

Facilitated by: Laura Sheffield, LD, MS, RDN, Community Action Council


Out-of-the-Box Strategies to Promote Your Program

If you build it, they won’t come unless they know where to find you and they like what they see when they get there. Programs fail to reach their optimum potential because marketing is an afterthought. Let’s talk about strategies to promote your program. ~CEU Specialty 6

Facilitated by: Joann Minder, BS, SC Department of Education Summer Break Cafe


Safe Kitchens: Security Through Sanitation

How certain are you that your food or kitchen is safe from contamination? Discuss ways to ensure the food you serve and the place you serve it in are safe and sanitary for your peace of mind and everybody's health. ~CEU Specialty 2

Facilitated by: Stephanie Manchester, CCNP, CMP, Acelero Learning


SFSP Rural Non-Congregate Curbside Pick-Up Pointers

Drive-thru or curbside models require families to drive to a designated pick-up spot where meal boxes are loaded into the back seat or trunk of the car. Bring your best practices for this summer food delivery model and let's discuss. ~CEU Specialty 8

Facilitated by: Brian Wieher, SNS, Ujima Hunger Coalition


Using Control+F in the Crediting Handbook

What's the easiest way you've found to find what you need in the CACFP Crediting Handbook when there's so much to look for? Bring your shortcuts to share for easy searching! ~CEU Specialty 3

Facilitated by: USDA Food and Nutrition Service