CACFP Outreach
Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN)
March 4, 2025

If you are a child care operator currently participating in the CACFP, congratulations! Your commitment to serving nutritious meals and snacks is crucial in fostering healthy behaviors in young children. This Mealtime Memo from our partners at the Institute of Child Nutrition highlights the benefits of the CACFP for operators, children, and families. It also offers creative ideas to engage with parents and showcase the wonderful work your program is doing.
Benefits for Child Care Operators
- Funding: Receive reimbursement for serving nutritious meals and snacks that comply with Federal nutrition standards.
- Resources: Gain access to training, technical assistance, and resources on nutrition education, food safety, financial management, food preparation, and menu planning.
- Support: Benefit from on-site visits by CACFP staff to help ensure successful program implementation.
Benefits for the Child
- Nutritious Meals and Snacks: Supports healthy growth and helps prevent diet-related diseases.
- Nutrition Education: Promotes lifelong healthy habits.
- Positive Mealtime Environment: Fosters a nurturing attitude toward food.
Benefits for Families
- Free, Nutritious Meals and Snacks: Prepared according to the USDA nutrition guidelines.
- Affordable Child Care: Federal reimbursement funds are used to enhance program quality.
- Food Safety: Meals and snacks are prepared using current food safety guidelines.
Promoting the CACFP
Your participation in the CACFP reflects your commitment to running a high-quality program. Sharing your efforts to improve the nutritional value of your meals helps families recognize your dedication. Here are a few ways to engage with families:
- Bulletin Boards: Display your menus, healthy recipes, helpful tips, children’s artwork of nutritious foods, or photos of children enjoying mealtime.
- Newsletters: Feature a healthy recipe for the month and share resources supporting families’ healthier lifestyles. Use the monthly Mealtime Memos for inspiration.
- Drop-off/Pick-up: Engage with parents/guardians by sharing accomplishments, like how their child tried a new vegetable at lunch or enjoyed tasting their harvest from the garden.
- Social Media: Share the daily menu and create “Did You Know” posts. For example:
- Did you know… we serve nutritious meals that follow the USDA Federal meal pattern and recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
- Did you know… our food service staff are certified in food safety?
- Did you know… we do not serve grain-based desserts, and our menus include items with less added sugars?
- Did you know… we limit serving 100% juice to no more than once daily and serve whole fruits and vegetables instead?
- Did you know… we include a whole grain item in one or more of our meals and snacks each day?
Not on the CACFP?
If you are not on the Food Program, check out the National CACFP Sponsors Association resource, Benefits of the CACFP, and contact your State agency for information on how to join. Also, check out the ICN’s Grab and Go Lesson: CACFP FAQs for Child Care Directors for helpful information about the CACFP.
For more information, read the Institute of Child Nutrition’s March Mealtime Memo.