Nominations Open for NCA Board of Directors
January 2, 2025

The National CACFP Association (NCA), founded in 1986, is our industry’s lead association for the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Our member-driven organization represents over 1,600 members operating the food program across the country. We are committed to making a difference in the CACFP community and serving as the national platform for education, training, and advocacy for the CACFP.
NCA is governed by a member-elected, volunteer board. The Board’s primary responsibility is to develop the widest possible support and community involvement for the CACFP in addition to providing strategic direction, oversight, and financial accountability.
NCA has three (3) seats up for election this year for service on the Board of Directors. Elected Board Members will begin serving their three-year term October 1, 2025.
Our Association is committed to making a difference in the CACFP community and serving as the national platform for education, training, and advocacy for the CACFP. The Board’s primary responsibility is to develop the widest possible support and community involvement for the CACFP. We are the governing body of the corporation, and we are responsible for the strategic plan and vision of the Association.
Board of Directors Responsibilities
It shall be the duty of the Directors to:
- Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law, by the Articles of Incorporation or by the by-laws including these policies.
- Attend annual, regular and special meetings at such times and places as required by the by-laws of the National CACFP Sponsors Association for the duration of each meeting. Attendance at board meetings is defined as full participation in all scheduled board meetings and activities, and board members must attend one of two in-person meetings.
- Actively participate on any committee(s) to which they are appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors.
- Set policy and oversee the implementation of said policy.
- Approve an annual budget.
- Approve expenditures not identified in the annual budget.
- Select an Executive Director, President or Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) who shall be responsible for the administration and conduct of the business and affairs of the Corporation.
Expectations of Board Members
Serving on the NCA Board of Directors is an honor and a privilege given to each of us by the NCA membership. This honor is given to us with the expectation that we will do whatever is necessary to accomplish what our Mission Statement says we will accomplish. It most likely will involve spending time in excess of our normal working hours to complete NCA work, and time beyond attending board meetings.
NCA Board members will be expected to:
- Serve as a director and/or an officer and take responsibility for at least one NCA activity. This means performing the necessary work in a timely manner as needed and report on the work performed at each board meeting
- Respond promptly to correspondence, phone calls, or e-mails requesting input, opinions, and/or actions from the NCA Chair/Staff or any other board member making a request.
- Be available at NCA conferences to assist in any way necessary to make the conference successful.
- In the event that a board member cannot attend a board meeting or board activity, the member must notify the President and CEO.
- Prepare in advance, attend and actively participate in Board-related meetings and social functions.
- Seek to know the history, mission, traditions, purpose, core values, strengths and reputation of NCA.
- Comply with the Conflict of Interest Policy and avoid any conduct that reasonably could be perceived as a violation of that policy.
- Limit discussion of any concerns regarding NCA matters or the actions by the Board or staff to appropriate conversations with other Directors. Communication with persons outside of the Board regarding challenging topics or confidential matters should be in accordance with the direction of the Chair.
- Recommend persons who might be effective Directors of the Board and, if requested, help recruit those persons.
Board of Director Qualifications
NCA by-laws require that all Board members:
- Are employed by a CACFP Sponsoring Organization member and have an NCA membership,
- Be currently involved in the management of a sponsoring organization for child care homes and/or centers operating the CACFP.
Furthermore, the nominations committee supports candidates who have been in attendance at least one conference and have their CACFP Professionals Certification.
Contact us at for more information.