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Opportunity for States to Access Funding to Purchase Local Food for CACFP

December 10, 2024

Local Purchasing

UPDATE: Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Funding Terminated - The Agricultural Marketing Service at USDA released a memo on March 7, 2025, to implementing agencies announcing the termination of Local Food for Schools and Child Care funding agreements.

USDA released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on December 10, 2024, for State agencies to access funds to purchase and distribute local foods for schools and CACFP child care providers in their state. USDA has committed $188.6 million specifically for institutions participating in the CACFP. State agencies must submit a proposal in order to access these funds for the schools and CACFP providers in their state and there can only be one application per state. These proposals must indicate how they or the participating schools and institutions will use the funds to purchase commodities to meet their objectives. Funds will be awarded through a non-competitive process based on a formula using the meal counts of participants of the CACFP in each State. Cooperative agreements will be for a period of three years from the time of award.

Due April 30, 2025

However, USDA urges recipients to submit their project summaries earlier than the deadline. USDA will review Project Summaries and approve them as they are received

USDA is also seeking comments about this NOFO that they will consider when developing any future funding announcements for the program. Email written comments to and include "Input LFSCC" in the subject line.

Why It Matters

This funding program is meant to increase purchasing of local, domestic, and unprocessed or minimally processed agricultural commodities for distribution to schools and child care institutions participating in NSLP and CACFP. The overarching goal is to strengthen local and regional food systems and broaden partnerships with schools, child care institutions, and local food networks to ensure the use of fresh and nutritious foods in program meals.


  1. December 10, 2024: Notice of Funding Opportunity released.
  2. January 15, 2025: The 43 States with existing contracts will automatically get new agreements in place and USDA will disburse funds to these States for both CACFP and Schools by this date.
  3. The 8 States without existing contracts can apply for CACFP and Schools funds and agreements will be signed with USDA on a rolling basis.
  4. April 30, 2025: Deadlines for State agencies to submit project summaries.
  5. State Agencies enter a three-year period of performance to purchase local foods.
  6. Foods are distributed to schools operating NSLP and child care institutions operating CACFP.
    • **Child care institutions are defined by USDA as sponsoring organizations, child care centers, at-risk afterschool care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, or emergency shelters which enter into an agreement with a State agency.
  7. Throughout the period of the cooperative agreement, USDA will provide State governments with guidance, technical assistance, instruction, and monitoring.


Eligible entities include the state government agencies, commissions, or departments that are responsible for agriculture, procurement, food distribution, emergency response, administration of the NSLP, administration of the CACFP, or similar activities within the state. USDA will make only one award per state; agencies within the state must coordinate if more than one agency wishes to implement this program.

Eligible beneficiaries to receive the food are schools participating in the NSLP and child care institutions participating in the CACFP. Funds can only be administered to institutions serving children, and not through institutions that exclusively serve adults. States are required to ensure equitable distribution of food to tribal schools as required for the National School Lunch Program. Food distribution may occur through state agencies, non-profit organizations engaged in food distribution, and other entities capable of ensuring program requirements are met. Compliance will be monitored through quarterly performance reports.

Award Size

These funds will be awarded through a noncompetitive process in the amount specified in the table below. Allocations are determined using a formula based on enrollment and earnings data from schools participating in the NSLP and SBP and number of meals served at child care institutions participating in CACFP. After cooperative agreements are awarded, USDA will determine the final amount of the award based on the Project Summary submitted by the recipient. USDA will redistribute any remaining funds once final Project Summaries are received.

CCC State Allocation Chart
CCC State Allocation Chart
CCC State Allocation Chart

For more information, visit USDA’s Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program webpage or read their Notice of Funding Opportunity. To advocate to get these funds for CACFP in your State, find your State agency contact using National Farm to School Networks Program Matrix and urge them to apply for CACFP funds.