CACFP Meal Patterns Track | CEU Specialty 1Â
Great Grains! Taking the Guess Work Out of What’s Creditable
Serving whole grain-rich grains once per day, when grains are served, in ounce equivalents is a requirement in the CACFP. Explore various types of whole grains like amaranth, sorghum, and millet to expand your menu planning options. Learn how to determine ounce equivalency, how to identify whole grains, how to modify meals using these great grains, and how to prepare these for CACFP creditable recipes.
- Learn the difference between a whole grain and refined grain.
- Identify creditable grains and calculate oz equivalents.
- Obtain recipes featuring grains to add to CACFP menus.
Presented by

Isabel Ramos-Lebron, MS, RDN, LD
Senior Nutrition Education Specialist, National CACFP Association
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